Wang Shu's birth date
Wang Shu was born December 30, 1842. Wang was born in Chongging China. He had a rough childhood, his parents divorced when he was younger and lived always with his mother, Wang's mother wasnt very pleasent. She was very rude and aggresive, when she wasnt like that she was a decent mother. He had one older brother that wasnt around much. when Wang was alone he would always end up finding something to do, when wang was 39, he went to America and left his wife and childen behind to find money. -
traveling to Angel Island
39 years old and traveling to Angel Island by myself, along with many other Chinese immigrants going to America and not knowing anybody. The ships are overcrowded with immigrants, and many of us are now to the point of starving. When i come to America i hope to earn money for my family, so then we can make a better living. Im not looking forward to expirenceing all of the racism, towards myslef and other immigrants coming from the Americans. -
Angel Island
we have been waiting on this boat for one whole day, and getting ready to go into Angel Island. the boat ride took almost 2 weeks./ we are finally getting of the boat to go get inspected for acedemic ability, diseases, and legal inspection. we have been waiting for so many hours without fod and water. Many of us are just ready to get this over with and be done so we can go explore oppertunities and jobs in America. I plan on going to Colorado, and find a home to live in until i go on my own. -
when i arrived in Colorado, i immediatley had to find myself a job so i could get a home and help my needs. i found a job in a steel factory, being in there is very dangerous. i found a little home that other chinese immigrants are staying in and they welcomed me in. i will leave this little shelter when i have enough money to send my family down. i brough my things i would really need in America and $200 to help me get started in this new life. -
After the chinese exclusion act had happened i had my family come down from china so we could all live here in america. even though i dont make as much money as the americans i still find ways to help myself and my family. we are moving into our own house. im starting to be glad about moving to america because we can live a better life here than in china, besides the racism here.