Period: to
Immagration Laws
-Naturalization Act of 1790: Citizenship for all "white" men -
Foreign Miners Tax: taxed Chinese $3 a month attempting to limit Chinese in the US -
-California Supreme Court created law: Other colors cant testify against a white man. -
-Chinese excluded from public schools in SanFran -
-First U.S immigration law aencouraging immigration but didnt want criminals nor prostitutes from entering U.S. -
-California Civil Code Law created stating no white man can marry another race. -
-Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882Banned Chinese from the U.S. -
After the victory of the Spanish-American War, Phillipines where given to U.S, Fillipinos needed no visa to travel here. -
U.S. extended the prohibitation of Chinese immagrants -
-Pensiopnado Act: Allowed fillipino students to study in the U.S. -
Sanfrancisco schoolboard demanded Chinese students have segregated schhols. -
-The Immigrantion Act of 1907: U.S. expanded restrictions on criminals entering the U.S. also keeping out Koreans and Japanese. -
-The Gentalmens Agreement: Made law with Japan saying they would stop them from keeping immigrating but the ones that are here leave them alone. -
-The California Alien Land Act: excluded Alieans (mostly Japanese Farmers) from owning land. -
-The Immigration Act of 1917: Banned immigration from large geographical areas. -
-The Immigration Act of 1921: Introduced a annual limit on the number of immigrants from specific countries. -
- The Immigration Act of 1924:Toughened up the quota in 1921 saying only 2% can come instead of 3%
-Executive Order 9066: Placed 110,000 Japanese people in camps located in U.S. -
-Immigration Act of 1943: completely repealed the banned of Chinese allowing them to become naturalized citizens. -
Completely closed all internment camps. -
-Bill of 1946: allowed people from India and Phillipines to immigrat to the US -
-Displaced Persons Act: Allowed 3,500 chinese to remain in the states, no interracial marriage. -
-McCarran Walter Act of 1952: Removed all racial critiria for nuetrualization. Communist were still banned. -
-The Nationality Act of 1965: obolished the National Origin Act of 1924 -
Cap of 12,000 where placed on the western hemisphire. -
Fillipino war veterans that fought for the US where still denied citizenship. -
-The Immigration Reform and Control Act: raised immigration from hong kong from 600 to 5,000 -
-Civil Librities Act of 1988: Apologized to the Japanese that were in the camps during war. -
The Immigtration Act of 1990: allowed a cap of 700,000 immigrants to enter the states. -
USA Patriot Act:Uniting and Strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. -
Creation of the USCIS 2003: As of March 1, 2003, the US immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) becomes part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The department’s new U.S. Citizenship and US immigration Services (USCIS) function is to handle US immigration services and benefits, including citizenship, applications for permanent residence, non-immigrant applications, asylum, and refugee services