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By imagine
  • Project start date

    Project start date
    Schools involved in the project:
    The Istituto Statale d'Istruzione Superiore G. Bertacchi from Lecco (Italy)
    The Lykeio A Ethnarchi Makarion III Pafou from Pafos (Cyprus)
    The Ramón Arcas Secondary School from Lorca (Spain)
    are given the project
    'Integration May Be A Great Idea Nowdays Experienced By Everyone', IMAGINE...
  • Period: to

    Project awarenes activities

    World map (home countries of students at Ramón Arcas)
    Erasmus Project Logo Contest
    Project padlet
  • Period: to

    Meeting in Lorca

    After having worked for three months in our different countres, we had the first meeting in Lorca from January 14th to 19th, 2019. Students and teachers were excited to meet each other and share experiences.
  • Visiting Lorca's landmarks

    Visiting Lorca's landmarks
    The Erasmus partners visit our landmark 'Fortress of the Sun' and go on a guided tour of the remains of the Muslim, the Jewish synagogue and Christian culture in Lorca
  • Gymkana

    The Erasmus partners take part in a gymkana game visiting the most meaningful monuments related to our cultural background in the city centre of Lorca
  • erasmus

    The welcoming in spain
  • erasmus

    The beginning of the project
  • Dancing and henna workshops

    Dancing and henna workshops
    10 am
    Spanish students show the typical flamenco dancing
    Arab students tattoo henna symbols to volunteers
  • Dinner with host families

    Dinner with host families
    A welfare dinner with host families after enjoying a typical Ecuadorian dancing
  • erasmus

    Group work in Spain
  • T-shirts workshop

    T-shirts  workshop
    8:15 am
    The students handprint colourful T shirts combining Italian, Cypriot and Spanish symbols
  • erasmus

    final celebration in Spain
  • Arrival day

    Arrival day
    Arrival at the A' Ethnarchi Makarios Lyceum, accommodation at host families
  • Period: to

    Meeting in Paphos

  • Educational trip to Latsi village

    Educational trip to Latsi village
    The Erasmus group visit Latsi village, an archeological site where they enjoy together the traces of Cypriot ancestors
  • Cultural bus trip to Ayios Neofitos Monastery, kato Paphos, mosaics and castle. Later, games at Eleouthkia Park

    Cultural bus trip to Ayios Neofitos Monastery, kato Paphos, mosaics and castle. Later, games at Eleouthkia Park
    Another cultural trip where the Erasmus discover the remnants of former civilizations: The Ayios Neofitos Monastery set in a natural spot, kato paphos, the rich and well preserved Roman mosaics and the castle.
    In the afternoon the students play traditional games at Eleouthkia Park. At the end of the day, the group enjoy a traditional dinner.
  • Traditional national celebration

    Traditional national celebration
    All the students attend a traditional national celebration at the Paphos Lyceum
  • Farewell and departure

    The Erasmus participants say goodbye at school and depart to Italy and Spain
  • Period: to

    First meeting in Lecco

  • erasmus

    Music practise
  • erasmus

    Beautiful scenery
  • Workshop in Barzio (LC)

    Workshop in Barzio (LC)
    Africa Esengo Workshop
  • erasmus

    The beauty of Cyprus
  • Lecco and Alessandro Manzoni

    Lecco and Alessandro Manzoni
    Visiting Lecco
  • Stories and recipes

    Stories and recipes
    Stories and Recipes Workshop
  • School trip to Varenna

    School trip to Varenna
    School trip to Varenna
  • The party

    The party
    Party at school with host families and friends
  • erasmus

    Our logo
  • Period: to

    Last Erasmus+ Mobility cancelled

    Last Mobility in Lecco was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic
  • Extension of the project: Virtual mobilities

    Extension of the project: Virtual mobilities
    The students contact virtually by means of a Meet on a "Guess Who?" interaction activity.
  • Singing together "Verso Un Altro Altrove"

    Singing together "Verso Un Altro Altrove"
    The students rewrite a version of "Verso Un Alto Altove", a folk song by Luf about the uncertain destiny of refugees. They rewrite some stanzas in Spanish and Cypriot and sing it together in a Meet session.