
By Bdill
  • The inventionof the cotton gin

    The inventionof the cotton gin
    Eli Whitney inventedthe cotton gin in the United States in 1794.It removed the seeds from the cotton fiber.This was important because it speed up the process of taking the seeds out the cotton.It showed conflict because it actually had a higher demand for slaves, which the North didn't like.
  • The Embargo Act of 1807

    The Embargo Act of 1807
    The Embargo Act of 1807 was by Thomas Jefferson and the congress on December 22 in 1807.It made any and all exports from the United States illegal.This occured in the USA and signed it D.C. most likely. Tjis was important because it stopped some of our ties with other countries and our trading wasn't in good condition.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Senator Henry Clay came up with the Missouri Compromise in 1820(have no specific date)This compromise said that Missouri was a slave state and Maine was a free state. It also stated that in the Louisiana Purchase , states north of Missouri was free while states south were slave states.It happened in Maine, Missouri ,and states in the Louisiana Purchase.This was important because it showed which states were slave and which weren't. This was a compromise because it evened out the number of slaves.
  • The Tariff of Abominations

    The Tariff of Abominations
    It occured on May,19 1828 and was made by congress and John Adams in the USA(capitol). This act raised the tariff on imported manufactured goods.This protected the North but harmed the South. This was a conflict because the South got more upset with the Union.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin in March 20,1852.It is a book that was about a friendly slave named Tom who was killed for refusing to whip another slave. It was set in the south of the US It was important because it spread the truth about the harsh conditions of slavery.. This revolutionary book was a conflict it caused more sectionalism between the north and the south.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Senator Stephen Douglas was involved in the making of the Kansas and Nebraska Act on May 30, 1854. It allowed settlers of the new territories in theUS to decide if slavery would be legal there. This occured in Kansas, Nebraska , and new territories.The importance of this act is that it allowed popular sovereignty to take control of the slavery issue. It is a compromise because states could do what they wanted concerning the slave topic.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    The Bleeding Kansas situation happened in Kansas in 1855-1861.It was a violent political confrontation between anti-slavery people and pro-slavery people.This was important because it showed the hatred the sides had for each other .It was a conflict because it was one thing leading up to the civil war.
  • The Dred Scott Case

    The Dred Scott Case
    The Dred Scott case consist of a former slave , Dred Scott, and John F.A. Sanford. Dred tried to sue Sanford , arguing that he was legally free. Unfortunately, Dred Scott's argument was denied since it was illegal for a slave to sue because they didn't count as a person, but property.This happened in the Missouri Supreme Court and Federal Supreme Court in 1857.This case was important because it showed how bad blacks were treated and also how bad they wanted their freedomthereforeitwasaconflict
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown's Raid is led by John Brown and his sons in Oct.16,1859 in Harper's Ferry, Virginia.In this raid John Brown and other slave revolters, kill pro-slavery people and raid Harper's Ferry.This is important because it showed the desire abolitionists had to end slavery.This showed conflict because the killing of pro- slavery people and it caused more sectionalism.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Election of 1860 occured on Nov.6,1860 inthe US capitol. It was between Lincoln and Douglas, Lincoln won the presidency.This was important because it started another cause for war. Aconflict it was because people(Southern)weren't for Lincoln- antislavery.
  • South Carolina secedes from Union

    South Carolina secedes from Union
    This event occured in South Carolina , in 1860, when they decided to leave the Union. South Carolina decided to leave the Union because Lincoln became president.THIS WAS IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT SHOWED THE HATRED THE SOUTH HAD FOR lINCLN AND HIS VIEWS. iT CAUSED CONFLICT BECAUSE other slave states soon left the Union which led to war.(Didn't mean to use capital letters.)