Australopithicus afarensis (southern ape)
Lived 3-4 million years ago in the Afar triangle. 3 feet tall, projecting jaw and forehead. Used natural tools. Walked on 2 feet for defense, and holding children. -
Period: to
Illustrated timeline of early man
Homo habilis (handy man)
Lived 1.5-2 million years ago in Africa. Taller than australopithicus afarensis at 4 feet. Used knives, diggers, and scrapers. First man to make and use tools and had a brain twice the size of australopithicus afarensis. -
Homo erectus (upright man)
Lived 1.8 million years ago to 200,000 yerrs ago. Lived in the island of Java. It was taller and thinner and with stronger bones. He stood 5 feet tall. His most important tool was fire, and hand axes. It was long lived and migratory. -
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Wise Neanderthal Man)
Lived 250,000 to 30,000 years ago in Asia, Europe, and Africa. It still had the brow ridge. Made over 60 types of tools, including spear points. It buried its dead, hunted in groups, and had a large brain. -
Homo sapiens sapiens (Doubly wise Man)
Lived 35,000 to 12,000 years ago all over the world. It was the height of modern man and had a large brain. Developed the bow and arrow and wore clothes.