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illustrated timeline of early humans

By raltman
  • Australopithecus Afaraensis (Sothern Ape)

    Australopithecus Afaraensis (Sothern Ape)
    They lived about 3-4 million years ago in africa. This species was about three feet tall with a mix of human and ape. They had long arms, large head and forehead, and the jaw protrudes out. No tools have been found. They were able to carry itwms in there hand while walking on two feet.
  • Period: to

    illustrated timeline of early humans

  • Homo Habils (Handy Man)

    Homo Habils (Handy Man)
    This species of human lived about 1.5 -2 million years ago in africa. It was mostly human ,but had some traces of ape. It walked on two feet and was about 4 foot tall. Its brain was 2 times as large as the (Southern ape). It used basic tools like rocks, sticks, and stones for tools and weopens. They lived in groups and had longer life spans
  • Homo Erectus (Upright man)

    Homo Erectus (Upright man)
    This species of human lived about 1.8 million-200,000 years ago in Asia and Europe. They were taller and thinner than the later species of humans. Also, the species was over five foot tall, had strong bones, and rounded foreheads. The tools that they invented were stone handaxes and they were the first to use fire. They were the first to migrate and had a straighter spine to walk more efficiently.
  • Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis (Wise Man)

    Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis (Wise Man)
    Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis lived about 28,000-30,000 years ago in the Nerander valley of Germany, which they're also named after. These people had thick bones and a ridge above their eyes, very human like but with shorter and stockier bodies. They made many types of tools including knives, scrapers, and spears. They were the first species of human to hunt in groups and bury their dead.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    They were on the earth in 35,000-12,000 BC. Homo Sapiens Sapiens originated in Africa but migrated across the globe. They had high rounded skulls, large brains, and small teeth. They also owned a lot of advanced tools for their time such as: blades, needles, bow and arrows, and tools for ingraving & sculpting. They were the first to hunt from distances, paint in caves, and have a simple language.