Australopithecus Afrensis
This hominid lived 3-4 million years ago. And the location was afar triangle africa. Also, the hominid was short, 3ft tall mix of ape and human long arms, hands/feet like us, large head , and forehead jaw stuck out. next, it had no tools. Lastly, it walked on two feet. -
Period: to
Australopithecus Afrensis
Homo Habilis
Lived 1.5 to 2. million years ago. This hominid lived in Africa. And it has a larger brain, looked more human then Lucy, and taller then lucy. Also the tools it used was large stones for cutting and bones for digging. Lastly it walked on two feet lived in groups, used tools to hunt and get food. -
Homo Erectus
Lived 1.8million to 200,000 B.C.This hominid lived in Asia. And it stood up straight and it was taller and thiner and it had strong bones. Also the tools they used were hand axes and fire. lastly, they were the 1st to leave Africa and they were good walkersand runners and they learned to cook. And they ate more meat. Also they built shelter and they lived longer. -
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
Apearped 23,000 to 30,000 years ago. They lived in Nearder Valley,Germany, Europe, and parts og Asia. And they had thick bones, ridge above eyes.Also shorter and stalker than morderen, but much stronger, and large brains. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Lived 35,000 to 12,000 B.C. This hominid lived in Arica and they migrated across the globe. they had high rounded skulls,large brains, huge teeth, and slender bones. Also the tools they used were stones,blades and more.lastly, they had better tools, better shelter, and better clothing for survivel.