Australopithecus Afarensis
This hominid appeared 3-8 million years ago. Latin name means "Southern Ape". Lived in the Afar triangle of Africa. Short, about three feet tall. Mix of ape and human. Long arms, hands and feet like us; large head, small brains, forehead and jaw stuck out. No tools known of. Walked on two feet; use hands to gather food, carry kids, and defense. These skills were important because they allowed the Southern Apes to be able to protect themselves and/or their family. -
Period: to
Illustrated Timeline of Early Humans
Homo Habilis
"Handy Man"---Lived 1.5-2 million years ago. Lived in all of Africa. Larger brain than Southern Ape, also looked more human and was taller. About four feet tall. Used rocks for chopping, sharp stones for cutting, bones for digging. Also walked on two feet; lived in groups. Used tools to hunt and gather food. Maybe made traps. These skills were important because they helped Handy Man gather food and stay safe from predators. -
Homo Erectus
Also known as "Upright Man". Lived 1.8 million to 200,000 BC. Lived in Asia, stood up straight; taller and thinner; strong bones. About 5' 5". Round smooth forehead, large brow ridge, thick skull, small brains, jaw stuck out. Used handaxes of stone and fire for tools. First hominid to leave Africa, good walkers and runners, complex toolmaking, learned to cook, ate more meat, built shelters, were nomads, survived longer. These skillls were important so that this hominid could survive. -
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
Latin name means "Wise Man". Lived 230,000 to 30,000 years ago in Neander Valley, Germany, Europe, Africa, Near East, Asia. Thick bones, large brains, eye ridges, shorter and stockier than modern humans but much stronger. About 5' 6". 60 types of tools such as knives, scrapers, and spear points. Lived and traveled in groups; organized hunting, buried their dead, early doctors, existed with early modern humans. These skills were important so that people lived longer. -
Homo Sapiens sapiens
Nickname is "Doubly Wise Man". Lived 35,000 to 12,000 BC, mainly in Africa---migrated across the globe. About 5' 10". High, rounded skulls, large brains, small teeth, slender bones. Used and/or invented spear thrower (atlatl), bow & arrow, fish hooks, spears, knives, needles, engraving/sculpting tools. Built better structures, made better clothing, more complex languages, artists, cave paintings. These skills were important because they helped them record events.