Treaty of Paris
Ended the war between France and the Sixth Coalition. It was a negative effect on nationalism since it ended part of the Napoleonic war.
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End of Napoleonic Wars
The end of the 15 long years of war led by Napoleon was a negative effect on Nationalism since Napoleon was trying to spred Nationalism.
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Congress of Vienna
[Source:](<a href='http://quizlet.com/5495717/german-unification-key-datesevents-1815-forward-europe-flash-cards/)' >Secondary Source</a>The congress of vienna established Germany's constitution. This was a negative effect on Nationalism since it provoked national movements. -
The Zollverein was a coalition of German states formed to mage tarrifs and economic policies. Positve effect on Nationalism since people were working together for their countries to manage tarrifs and economic policies.
[Primary Source](<a href='http://books.google.com/books?id=i3LDG4PCNNwC&pg=PA245&lpg=PA245&dq=W.+O.+Henderson.+The+Zollverein+%281959%29&source=bl&ots=vHmYCOeUKw&sig=jPEkReRoaRVpTIyC_nkFOoLcNR8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xSFwUpWhCoeskAe_5IFw&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=W.%20O.%20Henderson.%20The%20Zollverein%) -
Revolution of 1848
[Source](<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions_of_1848_in_the_German_states)' >Secondary Source</a>The Revolution of 1848 was a series of political upheavels that lasted no more than a year. The revoultion was a positive effect on Nationalism since one of the main causes of the revolution was for people to have more nationialism. -
Danish War
War started when Prussian armed forces crossed the border to Schleswig. It was a positive effect to nationialism since Germany grew larger and helped raise Nationalism.
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7 Weeks War
A seven week war against Prussia and Austria. Postitive effect on Nationalism since Prussia kept Germany in its control.
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Franco-Prussian War
Started from emerged tensions due to the German Unification. It was a battle between France and Prussia. It was a positive effect to Nationalism since it brought back memories of Napoleon conqouring the German states.
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Unification of Germany
The Unification of Germany made Germany an official nation state.
A positve effect on Nationalism since it basically thrived in the reorganized German states.
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Anti-Socialist law
The anti-socialist law was a law that basically stated that you could not be socialist. It was a positive effect to nationalism since you could rid of one belief and would have to gain another, maybe even nationalism.
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