2000 BCE
Hinduism is the oldest and the very first religion ever. Hinduism is what influenced all other religions. This event is important to world history because this religion is what influenced all other religions. Hinduism is a religion that dates back to more than 4000 years ago. What the Hindu text says is similar to that of other religions also. Resources:
Class Notes
http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism -
1990 BCE
I chose Judaism because Judaism is the religion that Jews practice and live for. This religion is also part of what caused the Germans to kill the Jewish. Judaism has two important texts, the Tankh, which is referred as the old testament, and the Talmud, which is the stories, laws, medical knowledge and moral discussion. Judaism has 13 basic beliefs with number one being that God exists. They also believe in afterlife. References
Class Notes
http://www.religionfacts.com/judaism -
Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution was important to history because agriculture and lands where farming used to take place were being stripped from the people so that they could make factories. I chose this because it shows how the people were being taken advantage of by the government so that the government can make mills. References:
Class Notes
http://www.history.com/topics/industrial-revolution -
French Revolution
The French revolution started out after the American revolution. The French started questioning society, they demanded equality, liberty and democracy, power and authority. The five main causes of the French revolution were liberal public opinion, estate society, weak leadership, and lack of nationality. References:
Class Notes
http://www.history.com/topics/french-revolution/pictures -
Opium War
The opium war happened when Britain became tea drinkers and demanded trade from China. China did not want to trade with Britain because they did not like any of the goods Britain offered. China had better goods and had nothing they really needed nor wanted. I chose this event as important because it shows what one can do to get what they want. Britain started smuggling opium in to get the Chinese addicted to it. Resources:
Class Notes
http://www.britannica.com/topic/Opium-Wars -
Japan Imperialism
Imperialism in Japan happened when they refused western trade. Japan is a small country that is surrounded by bodies of water. They did not want the western trade because they did not want to change. The westerns though did no take no for an answer, and took ships to its borders and demanded a signature from Japan or else they would bomb them. Resources:
Class Notes
http://www.fsmitha.com/h3/h48japan5.htm -
Imperialism in Africa
Imperialism in Africa took place after the Industrial revolution. Africa had a lot of natural resources. They fought for the interior of Africa but the Africans were not given a chance to control anything. Then slave trade started and people were trading slaves with people in the west and any other place in the world. Resoures:
Class Notes
http://www2.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetailid=5501 -
World War I
World War I was caused with four main things. They were; militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.The great power assembled in two opposing alliances, the Allies and the Central Powers. France made alliances with Russia and Britain because they wanted to gain power over Germany. World War I was the largest most destructive war. The war ended up being just for fighting because of their pride. Resources:
Class Notes -
The Holocaust was a genocide, one of the bigger ones, that took place in Germany. Adolf Hitler was came into power as a dictator and promised to get rid of all of those who were not Germans. He did not like Jews, homosexuals, colored people ect. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Genocide. 6 million Jews were executed during this time. They were put in labor work and beat often times. Resources:
Class Notes
https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005143 -
Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan genocide was a smaller genocide. In one hundred days one million lives were taken. The Hutu and the Tutsi were two ethnicity's that were against each other. The Hutu were killing the Tutsi out of some sort of jealousy. The Hutu thought that the Tutsi women were more attractive so they would use the women for pleasure and then kill them. Resources:
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