Illustrated Time Line of Early Humans

  • Australopithecus aferensis (lucy's time) Southern ape

    Australopithecus aferensis  (lucy's time) Southern ape
    They lived 3 to 4million years ago and lived in Africa near Afar Triangle. They were short about 3'' tall she was part ape and part human they had long arms, large head and fore head, they had a forehead that stuck out. There have been no tool's found that they made. They could carry iteams and use hands for defence and they could walk on two feet unlike an ape.
  • Period: to

    Illustrated Time Line of Eary Humans

  • Homo Habilis (handy man)

    Homo Habilis (handy man)
    The Handy Men lived about 1.5 to 2 miilion years ago. They also lived in Africa. THey are also a mix of an ape an a human they walk on two feet and they are a little taller than the earlier humans at about 4ft. tall.and there brain was two times the size as the Australopithecus Afarensis. There tools included rocks, bone, and sharp stone. They were the first make tools and they lived in grops.
  • Homo Erectus(upright man)

    Homo Erectus(upright man)
    They lived 1.8 to 200,00 bc and lived in the Java Islands in Asia/Eroupe they were tall and skinnier than they Homo Habilis and had strong bones they also had a round smooth forehead. They had hand axes and they used fire and animal skin. They were he first to migrat and they were good runners. They also cooked and cut and ate more meat.
  • Homo Sapiens Neaderthalesis (wise man)

    Homo Sapiens Neaderthalesis (wise man)
    They lived 200,030 to 30,000 bc and orginatedfrom migrated lived in Neander's Valley in Germany. Thick bones and stronger than us but shorter and stalkier they also had a brow ridge on there forehead. More than 60 tools were made including knives, spears, and spear points. They were the first to burie there dead and first to hunt in groups they also were with modern humans (sharing the world) for 10,000 years.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens (doubly wise man)

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens (doubly wise man)
    Lived 35,000 to 12,000 bc and lived in Africa yet migrated across the globe. They had a high rounded skull and large brain small teeth and slender bones. They had a wide variaty of tools from hooks, to spears, and even the bow and arrow. They were the first that could hunt from a distance, they drew in caves, they used pictures to teach, and they also carved out of wood.