Australopithicus Afarensis
Austropithicus Afarensis or southeren api was on earth 3-4 million years ago and lived in Africa. the average hieight for souther Api was 3 feet tall and there for heads stuck out and they were a mix of api and human,had large arms, and large heads. they have never found any tool they made. the capabilities they have are they can walk on two feet and carry iteams in there hands. -
Homo Habilis
Home Habilis or Hady Man lived 1.5 - 2 million years ago and lived in Africa. They were 4 feet tall and there brains were 2 times bigger than southeren apis and Home Habilis were also mix of ape and humanand walked on two feet to. theyused rocks to chopping tools and they sharpened the stone for cutting and they used bones as digging tools to. The capabiliyies of them are they can make tools, live in groups, and had longer lives. -
Homo Erecias
Homo Erecias or up right man lived 1 - 8 million years ago to 29,060 B.C and liveed in Java an island in Asia and there lived and Europe. they were taller and thiner than the other ones they were 5 feet tall and strong bones the bones were round and smooth they had big browies to. the used fire and hade axes as tools. they were the first to emigrate out of Africa and there were good runners and built there huts and used animales skins they cooked there meat and eta more meat. -
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
Home Sapiens Neanderthalensis or wise man lived 200,000 to 230,000 years ago and lived in Germy. they had thick bones and aa brow rig and they were shorter and stockyer but stornger and they have larger brains. they had more than 60 types of knifes, scapers, and spear points. they were the first to bary there dead and first to hunt in a group and lived with moderen humeno for about 13,00 years. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Homo Sapiens Sapiens or doubly wise man lived 35,000 to 12,00 B.C and lived in Afirica but migrated across the globe. they had high rounded skulls, large brains, small teeth, and slender bones. they a tached tool to other tool and they shaved and made housing made from stone.they hunted from a distenes and they have complex brain and they cave pained and carved stuff out of clay, bone, flint, and ivary