Arsralopithecus Afarensis
This hominid appeard 3-4 million years ago
It is found in Afar Iriangle Africa
It is about 3 ft. tall long arms and big head forhead and jaw
Also it walked on two feet to gather food and carrie babies -
Period: to
Illistrated TimeLine of Early Humans
Homo Habilis
They lived 1.5-2 million years ago
They lived in Africa
Had larger brain and looked more human
They used rocks sharp stones and bones
Walked on 2 ft. and lived in groups -
Homo Erectus
lived 1.8-200,000 B.C year ago
first to live in Asia
standed up strait and thinner
fire hands
nomads first to control fire -
Homo Sapian
These people lived 230,000 30,000 years ago
they lived in Gemany Europ and parts of Asia
shorter and stalkier then modern humans
knives and spear points -
homo sapian sapian
these people lived 35,000-12,000 B.C.
lived in Africa migarated across whole globe
they had a high rounded scule and a large brain
stone blades fashiond neatles built shelters
better buildings better tools and better clothes