illistrated timeline of early humans

  • Australopithicus Aferensis

    Australopithicus Aferensis
    These early humanoids, the Australopithicus Afarensis, the southern ape, lived 3-4 million years ago in Africa near the Afar Triangle. They were 3 feet tall witha mix of human and ape features. Shthese humanoids had long arms her forehead and jaw potrouded of her large head. No tools have been found from this time period. These people walked on two feet so they could carry things in their arms and defend themselves.
  • Period: to

    illistrated timeline of early humans

  • Homo Hablis

    Homo Hablis
    The Homo Habilis, handy-man, lived 1.5-2 million years ago in Africa. Handy-man had a mix of ape and human features, walked on two feet, was about 4 feet tall and had a brain 2x the size of Lucy's. This humanoids made the first tools such as rocks used forchopping and cutting, and bones used to dig with. Handy-man were the first humanoids to make and use tools and live in groups this helped them have a longer lifespan.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Homo Erectus, upright man, lived 1.8 million years ago to 200,000 years ago in Europe and the java islands in Asia. Upright man was taller and thinner than earlier humanoids, some were over 5 feet tall, strong bones, and a browridge with a jaw that stuck out and a thick skull. All these traits made them good walkers and the first humans that migrated, they also made more complex tools, used fire to cook so the ate more meat, and made huts from animal skins. they made hand axes and used fire.
  • Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis

    Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
    Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, wise man, lived about 230,000 years ago in the neander valley in Germany. They had a ridge above their eyes , were shorter than other humanoids, were stronger than modern humans and had a large brain. They had more than 60 differenr tools including knifs, scrapers and stone spear points along with many others. Wise man were the first to hunt in groups and burry their dead, they lived with modern humans for about 10,000 years.
  • Homo sapiens sapiens

    Homo sapiens sapiens
    Homo sapiens sapiens, doubly wise man, lived 35,000-21,000 years ago who started in Africa and then migrated across the globe. They had high rounded skulls and large brains small teeth, and slender bones. These early humanoids attached blades to other tools for engraving and sculpting and created needles, hooks, and spear throwers. they could hunt from a distance, which was safer. they also were the cave painters and were the first to have a complex language.