IFE's First Presidential Election
The IFE organized its first election to the Presidency of Mexico, where the first debate between the candidates for the presidential chair, Ernesto Zedillo (PRI), Diego Fernandez (PAN) and Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas (PRD) took place. The elections were won by the PRI.
More Information:
Corona, J.(2014). Momentos clave en la historia del IFE: MILENIO 2020. Retrieved from: https://www.milenio.com/politica/momentos-clave-en-la-historia-del-ife -
Electoral Reform
Year in which the figure of "Citizen Advisors" was instituted, creating the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP). -
Federal Election Law
Article 41 of the Constitution was modified and the new Federal Code of Institutions was created, reinforcing the autonomy of the IFE. -
Legislative Elections
The PREP was redesigned to address shortcomings and weaknesses in the receipt of the Minutes of Scrutiny and Calculation, incorporating a Technical Advisory Committee. -
Legislative and Presidential Elections
During the presidency of José Woldenberg as an autonomous body of the IFE, the candidate Vicente Fox Quezada (PAN) was elected; thus concluding the PRI government that had lasted for more than 70 years. -
Legislative Elections
The PREP improved the diffusion and capture of Scrutiny and Computation Acts, giving it more transparency. -
Electoral Fraud
On July 2 of that year the candidate Felipe Calderón (PAN) won the presidential elections, with a victory of 0.56% over Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the candidate of the left. -
Legislative Elections
PREP reduced costs and regulated operating time with in 24 hours. -
Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures
Approved by the Congress of the Union granting the IFE 53 attributions. -
2012 Elections
Being Leonardo Valdés Zurita the president of IFE, the election for president was held, where 50 million 323 thousand 153 citizens voted, representing 63.34% of the nominal list. -
Political-electoral Reform
Creation of the National Electoral Institute (INE) as the authority on the matter. -
The new PREP has new cutting edge technology to process data -
Strategic Plan
It establishes a commitment with the society by putting in front of the public which are the purposes, activities and way to evaluate the progress. -
Period: to
Federal Electoral Process 2017-2018
The elections were a success since they adhered to the principles that govern the INE: certainty, legality, impartiality, independence, objectivity and maximum publicity. -
Election Process
Temporary suspension of the development of Local Electoral Processes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.