We can do it!

If the Women's Suffrage Party Broke Up

  • Women's Rights Group Forms

    Women's Rights Group Forms
    Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton hold the first Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, NY after being kicked out an important meeting on the issue of slavery in America, due to their gender. Outraged, they create a women's rights group including many women, some men, and approximatly 30 leaders. Their main agenda is to achieve women's suffrage since only men are allowed to vote in America, as they believed men and women were equals and should have the same rights..
  • Elections: Polk vs. Clay

    Elections: Polk vs. Clay
    Women still lack the right to vote even though the group organized many events to raise awareness. Many men and some women felt a women's place lay in the kitchen, not in politics. Many books were made expressing how women should use detregents and cleaners, not ballots. Men felt threatened by what might happen if women could vote, and many women knew nothing more but to listen to the words of their husbands.
  • Women's Rights Group Falls Apart

    Women's Rights Group Falls Apart
    The leaders of the women's suffrage group have different strong opinions/ideas and cannot agree. Some wish to use violence, some peace, others silence. The women's rights group breaks apart , and the leaders lead the men/women in their respective towns using their desired methods. This dynamic is unorganized, unsuccsessful, and unproductive.
  • Group Reconnects

    Group Reconnects
    The members of the women's rights group hold a meeting in New York, New York. It is held in attempts to reconnect and rebuild their organization after little success was made working indivisually, because the people in their towns ganged up on the members since an indivisual cannnot fight off a whole town.They succeed.
  • Elections: Taylor vs. Cass

    Elections: Taylor vs. Cass
    Battle still not won, more people, including politicians, have become sick of the sit- ins, posters, and violence sponsered by the womens' suffrage group. They felt it was time the women should end their silly games and join society once again. The nation was experiencing dilemma, change, and what could be a revolution.
  • White House Sit In

    White House Sit In
    Women's suffrage group have a sit in at the white house hoping to make a statement to the president as well as the people. Many are arrested due to the fact that nobody wanted change or less power. Many members of the group resign from their place in the organization due to frustration or loss of interest, converting to the anti- women's suffrage party or being indifferent.
  • Declares War

    Declares War
    The remaining members of the women's rights group attempt to declare war, but are not taken seriously by the men and politicians in charge. The organization wanted war so they could finally end the battle and vote, but men feared the women/men had something up their sleeves, refusing their proposal. At this point, the rest of the country feared what the group might planning to do next, but never gave in to their demands.
  • Group Breaks Apart Again

    Group Breaks Apart Again
    The remaining leaders of the women's rights group break apart again due to extreme discouragement inflicted upon them by society, including an overwhelming amount of books, PSA's, and violence. But they do carry on their work indivisually in their own towns on a much milder scale, not wanting to be arrested again. Now, the rest of the country is at peace again, thinking they have already won their battle.
  • Elections: Pierce vs. Scott vs. Hale

    Elections: Pierce vs. Scott vs. Hale
    Women still lack the right to vote. Their attempts in their respective towns are much too mild to impact an entire country's stubborness, from vague, annonymous flyers to phone calls.
  • Elections: Pierce vs. Fremont vs. Fillmore

    Elections: Pierce vs. Fremont vs. Fillmore
    Men and women of the once women's rights group have still not reached their goal of equality. Very little motivation and detirmination are at play, and little to no progress is being made. The rest of country is at peace, assuming the women/men have learned their lesson.
  • Elections: Lincoln vs. Brecknridge

    Elections: Lincoln vs. Brecknridge
    Women still do not have the legal right to touch a ballot. Society goes on about their lives, ignoring the men/women holding picket signs on the sidewalks, the police are no longer on alert, and politicians/men are not fearing what might happen if silly women recieved so much power.
  • End of the Women's Suffrage Era

    End of the Women's Suffrage Era
    Women's suffrage motivation dies down due to the stubborness of society and loss of hope, ending the Women's Suffrage Era, which consists of countless protests, marches, sit ins, violence, and detirmination. The world is back to the norm, women in the kitchen, men standing on the soapbox. This map presents all of the states that the women's rights group has failed to convert to a state that allows women's suffrage.