If Achduke Franz Ferdinand had lived would have WW1 have happened?

By cstout
  • Countries are forming alliances

    Countries are forming alliances
    Alliances are being formed between countries in Europe, the two major ones being the Allies, England, France, Russia, and Serbia, and the Central Powers, Germany, Austria-Hungry, and Italy.
  • Franz Ferdinald and wife

    Franz Ferdinald and wife
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand goes for an inspection of military forces in Bosnia. He is thretened by an unsiccessful shooting and bobm attack but is not killed. They catch the would be assasins and jail them.
  • Autria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Autria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declares war of Serbia in response to the failed assassination.
  • Germany fights with Austria- Hungary

    Germany fights with Austria- Hungary
    Germany goes to aid Austri-Hungary because they are allies.
  • Germany vs France

    Germany vs France
    Germany sees that it is being surrounded be Allies so in order to break out; it declares war on France in addition to Serbia.
  • Austria-Hungary beats Serbia

    Austria-Hungary beats Serbia
    Austria- Hungary beats Serbia. Serbia becomes part of Austria- Hungary to form Greater Austria-Hungary. They then go to aid Germany invade France.
  • England comes to France's aid

    England comes to France's aid
    England after a long debate goes to help France against Germany.
  • Italy joins Allies

    Italy joins Allies
    Italy is offered pieces of land in the now Greater Austria- Hungary and decides to join the Allies and starts fighing Austria-Hungary.
  • Greater Austria- Hungary fights Italy

    Greater Austria- Hungary fights Italy
    In response to Italy joining the Allies, Greater Austria-Hungary pulls its troops out of France and starts fighting Italy along its southern border.
  • Lusitania sunk

    Lusitania sunk
    A German U-boat torpedoed and sunk the RMS Lusitania of the coast of Ireland resulting in the death of 1,198 people.
  • Countries enraged

    Countries enraged
    Enraged by the RMS Lusitania's sinking, many countries are persuaded to fight or send in more troops.
  • Battles go on

    Battles go on
    Battles continue to rage in France between the Allies and Germany over France.
  • France is conquered

    France is conquered
    After an almost two year fight, Germany invades France and turns it's attention on Russia. France becomes part of Germany to form of the German Empire.
  • America enters war

    America enters war
    Infuriated by the RMS Lusitania's sinking, and after a long debate, America decides to enter the war.
  • German Empire defends France

    German Empire defends France
    Realizing the threat from the mounting Allies on the Western flank, the German Empire pulls its troops out of Russia.
  • France reclaimed

    France reclaimed
    With the help of all of the new countries, France, England, Itally, America, and Russia manage push the German Empire out of France.
  • German Empire is pushed back

    German Empire is pushed back
    The German Empire is pushed back to Berlin and Greater Austria-Hungary is pushed out of Serbia.
  • War is over

    War is over
    The combined efforts of England, Italy, America, and Russia (and others), finally defeats the German Empire and Greater Austria-Hungary. 9 million combatants died and 7 million civilians were killed. Greater Austria-Hungary becomes Austria-Hungary again and the German Empire is reduced to Germany again.
  • Repercussions and Aftermath

    Repercussions and Aftermath
    It is dicided that Germany and Austria-Hungary should be responsible for paying for the damages of the war. Peices of Austria-Hungary are givin to Itally and other countries and peices of Germany are givin to France, Russia and others.
  • Austria-Hungary splits

    Austria-Hungary splits
    Austria-Hungary has a vote that results in the split of into Austria and Hungary as two seperate countries.