Creation of Z1
Konrad Zuse made this in his parents living room -
Period: to
IDT timeline
First digital computer
Short for Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the ABC started being developed by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry -
The start of constructing the ENIAC
Invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania -
The end of constructing the ENIAC
First stored program computer
The early British computer known as the EDSAC is considered to be the first stored program electronic computer. -
Foundation of the first computer company
Electronic Controls Company. Founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the same individuals who helped create the ENIAC computer. The company was later renamed to EMCC or Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and released a series of mainframe computers under the UNIVAC name. -
First PC (IBM Compatable) computer
IBM's 701: IBM's first electric computer and first mass produced computer. -
First RAM computer
MIT introduces the Whirlwind machine, a revolutionary computer that was the first digital computer with magnetic core RAM and real-time graphics. -
First transistor computer
First transistorized computer is demonstrated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -
First Minicomputer
Released by the Digital Equipment Corporation -
First personal computer
The first personal computer is considered to be the Kenback-1, which was first introduced for $750 -
First commercial non-assembly computer
The Micral is considered the be the first commercial non-assembly computer. -
First workstation
Never sold but the Xerox Alto is considered to be the first. -
Ed Roberts coined the term personal computer with the Altair 8800
First laptop
The IBM 5100 is the first portable computer -
First Apple computer
Steve Wozinak created the Apple 1 -
The first truly portable computer
Considered to be the Osborne 1 -
IBM's first personal computer
IBM introduced its first personal computer called the "IBM PC" -
First PC clone
developed by Compaq , called the " Compaq portable " -
Release of the IBM portable
Released by IBM PCD -
First multimedia computer
Radio Shack becomes one of the first companies to release a computer based on the MPC standard with its introduction of the M2500 XL/2 and M4020 SX computers. -
IBM ThinkPad 775CD is introduced
the first notebook with an integrated CD-ROM .