Idle No More

  • Bill C-45

    Bill C-45
    Bill C-45 is brought to the House of Commons. This bill directly changed laws concerning Indigenous people since it changed the Indian Act, the Fisheries Act, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, and the Navigable Waters Act. This was the kick off of the Idle No more.
  • Start of movement

    Start of movement
    In Saskatoon, Sylvia McAdams, Nina Wilsonfeld, Jessica Gordon, and Sheelah McLean started the movement protesting againt the bill C-45. The were agaisnt this bill since it removed Indigenous peoples rights and changed their normal lives.
  • National Day of Action

    National Day of Action
    On this day, there were many protests held in many cities including Regina, Prince Albert, Toronto, and Vancouver, This help bring a lot of attention to the Idle No More movement on media and also government attention as well. They showed their opposition of the unfairness of the Bill C-45.
  • Chief Theresa

    Chief Theresa
    Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat First Nation began her hunger strike. Meanwhile, she stayed on Victoria Island, close to Parliament Hill. She demanded that the Prime Minister had to meet her to talk about the bill C-45 and did not stop until he finally agreed to.
  • Bill-C45 Passes

    Bill-C45 Passes
    Despite all the protest against it, on this day Bill C-45 passed through the senate and became a law. This was a huge event in this timeline, since it grew the movement and speed even more awareness for the Idle No More movement.
  • Prime Minister and Assembly of First Nations

    Prime Minister and Assembly of First Nations
    The Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, annouced that he will be meeting with the Assembly of First Nations about the Idle No More movement. This was a huge event since it was one of the first times that the government payed attention to the Idle No More movement.
  • Flash Mobs

    Flash Mobs
    At Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, flash mob dances were held. Additionally, the University of Ottawa's Indigenous and Canadian Studies Students' Association compiled a list of requirements for including Indigenous studies on campus. This was a significant event because it signaled Idle No More's expansion of influence beyond the Bill C-45 opposition and into support for all Indigenous concerns in general.
  • Meeting between Prime Minister and Indigenous Leaders

    Meeting between Prime Minister and Indigenous Leaders
    The meeting happened and many other topics were covered, but Idle No More and the opposition to Bill C-45 were not mentioned. During the meeting, some 3000 Idle No More supporters assembled on Parliament Hill, joining thousands of others in major cities across Canada and the United States. This was a crucial occasion since it demonstrated the ongoing long-term opposition to Bill C-45 and the number of followers the movement has gathered since its inception.
  • Idle No More and Defenders Of The Land

    Idle No More and Defenders Of The Land
    Idle No More continued to fight for Indigenous rights and issues, expanding outside of the resistance against Bill C-45. Their alliance with Defenders of the Land involved an agreement to support nonviolent direct actions and a joint declaration calling on the government to repeal Bill C-45, alongside many other calls to action. This alliance continues in present day and shows the ongoing work of Idle No More and their resistance against the government’s colonial policies and legislation.