Identity vs. Role Confusion
Joe tried a lot of part-time jobs throughout his high school years to find himself out. All the work experience made him more confident and learned to appreciate the money he worked hard for. In Erikson’s fifth stage, Identity VS Role Confusion, the crisis is between experiencing independence to find personal identity or having more restrictions in his life (role confusion). -
Intimacy vs. Isolation
After dating for two years, Joe (age 30) and Jane decided to get married. They found someone to trust and share the rest of their lives together. In Erikson’s Sixth stage, Intimacy VS Isolation, the crisis is between being committed in a relationship (Intimacy) or avoiding intimacy and fearing commitment (Isolation). -
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Joe and Jane have been working very hard, so that they were able to support their family financially and emotionally. Joe and Jane were very supportive to their children when they were facing some obstacles with deciding their future career paths. They are satisfied with their lives. In Erikson’s seventh stage, generativity vs stagnation, the crisis between focusing on enhancing the family relationship and having children or not caring about developing a good relationship with others.