Ideas Help Start a Revolution

  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    The congress sent the king Olive Branch Petition, urging a return to "the former harmony" between Britain and the colonies, the were hoping for a peace. King George rejected it. He issued a proclamation stating that the colonies were in rebellion and urged Parliament to order a naval blockade of the American coast.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Colonial leaders convened SCC In Philadelphia in May to debate their second move. John Adams suggested radical plan-each colony set up its own government and that the Congress declare colonies independent, and they should fight back. John Dickson strongly disagreed with him. Congress agreed to set up militiamen as a colonial army, under George Washington command.Congress authorized the printing of paper money and were acting like government and organized a committee to deal with foreign nations
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    On the morning of June 17, Thomas Gage, British General, sent out nearly 2,400 British troops to strike militiamen, they began marching up Breed's Hill in their customary broad lines. The colonist held fire until the last minute, then began to shoot down the advancing redcoats. The surviving British troops made a second and then a third attack, which succeeded, but only because the militiamen ran low on ammunition. Colonist lost 450 men, British over 1000. The deadliest battle of the war
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    A pamphlet written by the colonist Thomas Pine in April of 1776. He attacked King George III, explain that his own revolt against king had begun with Lexington and Concord. He declared that its time for colonist to proclaim an independent republic. He argue that it will allow America trade with other countries, and it will be a chance to crate better and free from tyranny society. It was sold in nearly 500,000 copies and had big influence on people.
  • the rise of the Declaration of Independence

    the rise of the Declaration of Independence
    On, June 7, Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee moved that "these United Colonies are, and of a right ought to be, free independent States. Thomas Jefferson, Virginia lawyer, prepared a formal declaration explaining the reasons for the colonies' to be independent, and he represented a committee appointed by the Congress.
  • Adaptation of Declaration of Independence

    Adaptation of Declaration of Independence
    On July 4,1776 delegates from different states adopted the Declaration of Independence, and the document was read to a crowd in front of the Pennsylvania State House. Patriots were were pleased about it, because they supported this document.