ID Terms Timeline

  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    -a type of warfare using military trenches
    -this evolved the way wars were fought based off of new military machines and different uniforms
    -very unsanitary conditions in the fact that many soldiers developed trench foot and illnesses
  • Franz Ferdinand's Assaassination

    Franz Ferdinand's Assaassination
    -Archduke heir to Austro-Hungarian throne
    -assassinated by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, Bosnia
    -led to the outbreak of WWI
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    -Germany declared war on Great Britain, where their naval ships were sunk without warning or preparation
    -other ships like the Lusitania are an effect of unrestricted submarine warfare
    submarine U-20 sunk the Lusitania
    -goal was to beat Britain before they could harm Germany
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    -British owned ship that was struck by Imperial Germany
    -occurred in maritime war zone around England
    - 761/1266 people survived
    -turned the international opinion against Germany
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    -a secret communication between Germany and Mexico to initiate their military alliance
    -it stated that if the United States entered WWI against Germany, this would be enforced
    -the message was intercepted by the British
    -this enraged American citizens, declaring war on Germany in April
  • Committee of Public Information

    Committee of Public Information
    -also known as CPI
    -established by President Woodrow Wilson
    -members consisted of the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy
    -covered propaganda during WWI
    -in order to promote the war
  • Liberty Bonds

    Liberty Bonds
    -divided into four installments from 1917-18
    -war bonds that were sold in the United States in order to support the Allies
    -the beginning of financial security
    -Emergency Loan Act, Second Liberty Loan, Third Liberty Loan, Fourth Liberty Loan
  • American Expeditionary Force

    American Expeditionary Force
    -the formation of the United States Army located in France
    -AEF was fought alongside the French, British, Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian armies against Germany
    -led by Major General John J. Pershing
  • War Industries Board

    War Industries Board
    -led by Frank A. Scott
    -the coordination and cooperation of military supplies between the US Navy and War Department
    -increased the use of mass-production for more efficiency
    -headquarters were located in Washington D.C.
  • Influenza Crisis

    Influenza Crisis
    -a worldwide pandemic that broke out near the end of WWI
    -first case was found in March of 1918 in Kansas
    -approximately 25-50 million deaths
  • Fourteen Points

    Fourteen Points
    -President Wilson addressed these points to Congress in order to have world peace
    -the points consisted of the termination of secret treaties, colonization of indigenous people, and the freedom of sailing the seas
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    -law passed by Congress that made printing false information about the US government a criminal act
    -this law was directed deliberately to Democratic-Republican citizens
    -suppressed 1st Amendment (freedom of press)
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    -the peace treaty that ended WWI
    -ended war between Germany and the Allied Powers
    -signed in the Palace of Versailles (5 years after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand)
    -the US had their own treaty with Germany
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    -the first international peace organization
    -main idea was to prevent wars between countries and negotiate with one another
    -it was included in the first part of the Treaty of Versailles
    -headquarters are located in Switzerland
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    -the gathering of demonstrators and veterans from WWI in Washington, D.C.
    -they demanded cash redemption for their service and contributions in the war
    -demonstrators were led by former sergeant, Walter W. Waters
    -many war veterans were out of work due to the Great Depression