ICT Unit 24 Event timeline

  • Apranet

    Apranet, was the first network which became the basis of the internet. This was an idea which was based upon the first concept which was published in the year 1967. Apranet was produced within the direction of the US advanced researched projects agency. When the idea was first noticed the idea itself became an overall modest reality with the interconnection of four different universities.
  • Newsgroup, bulletin boards

    Newsgroup, bulletin boards
    Newsgroups and bulletin boards first became known in the 1970’s to the 1980’s, firstly newsgroups were found when students and researchers at the Digital Equipment Corporation designed a different kind of software called BBS software known as news software. Bulletin boards were first known by PC hobbyists that connected different machines to other telephone lines and wrote new software which allowed others to call in and leave electronic messages.
  • Email

    Email was created in 1971, now it’s one of the most inevitable uses of the networked communication technologies as well as the internet. Messaging exchange has existed in the early days of timesharing computers. Emails through the networks were developed mainly for the beginning of the Apranet. Email since then has changed widely; overall it’s evolved into the main email technology, which is now the most used application on the internet itself.
  • VOIP

    VOIP (Voice over internet protocol), is referred as communication protocols as well as technologies, methodologies and other transmission techniques. VOIP, is available within a wider range of different services. There are payable VOIP or free VOIP services that usually require that all persons within a party must be within a reach or able to use their computer to receive or make calls to others. Some may let you use this from an additional telephone handset or mobile phones.
  • Internationl packet switched service

    Internationl packet switched service
    The international packet switched service, was produced in 1978, by collaboration between both the United Kingdom’s General Post Office and the United States Tymnet. This type of service network grew strongly and started to cover most countries such as Canada Australia and Hong Kong by the years of 1981. Around ten years later the network service had provided most of the counties worldwide. Before there was only a choice of three different speeds of the PSS lines that were useable.
  • TCP/IP protocol, National Science Foundation

    TCP/IP protocol, National Science Foundation
    The TCP and IP were developed by a department of defence within the year of 1983. From this the Internet was connected together from many different networks worldwide. It provided different file transfers as well as remote logins and email that were used on a lot of different systems. There are individual machine systems which are connected to all the same LAN. As with the TCP/IP on the LAN itself it was used to ensure that each type of machine system could communicate with one another.
  • Domain name addressing system

    Domain name addressing system
    When the domain name addressing system wasn’t invented, (HOST.TXT) was the original official name. This was a tricky and important step, because each time more and more hosts would be joining the network it was significant to be able to tell apart between them.
  • 10,000 Hosts

    10,000 Hosts
    In the years of 1987 onwards, the different networks had reached an amount of 10,000 hosts. Each year the numbers of hosts that use the networks continue to increase. As well as the benefits of other websites that are gaining more views and making more money each time. Although, problems can occur such as network congestion and the domain name shortages.
  • Webcasting

    Webcasting is a meaning for using the internet to broadcast either audio or video transmissions. However this is very similar to watching other events or programmes within the television or listening through different radio broadcast. The distribution can either be done, live or on demand. The process to be able to webcast needs a webcam to do so. Mainly a computer network is used for this overall purpose.
  • First Commercial dialup

    First Commercial dialup
    The dial up access is a type of form of the internet access, which is accessed through using a telephone line itself. Although within the same year the APRANET had ceased to exist. However, from this the internet had a chance to advance and grow more.
  • Search engines

    Search engines
    The first ever search engine to be produced was the Archie search engine. The name was created from the word “Archive”, but also shortened to the word Archie. From which was created in 1990, by a man named Alan Entage. This was worked by matching different words to different filenames which a user wanted to search. From this the public could make efficient searches to be able to find their information within a quick time.
  • World Wide Web, CERN

    World Wide Web, CERN
    The founder of the first web browser was Tim Berners-lee who had developed the very first web browser within the years of 1990. Although the first version of the CERN was in 1991. From this web browser the overall use in the internet had started to grow and spread further.
  • First widely used browser (Mosaic)

    First widely used browser (Mosaic)
    The Mosaic was created by a company called the NCSA in 1993. This was an important step, because it had spread the overall understanding of the internet and as well as encouraged, evens more people to use the services of the internet.
  • Censorship

    Censorship is a control of different information and ideas which are circulated within a society. It can e self-induced but also forced. However other things including social norms and taboos could be considered a form of the censorship. The overall reasons for the censorship are Military, Moral, Political or either Religious. Military can consist of a selection of intelligence within a national security. Religious is of the material which can be deemed and object able to a given religion.
  • Blogs

    Blogs are web logs that can be updated regularly by their original author. They can consist of different information that can be of any topic. Blogs usually consist of information within a daily diary of people’s lives which can be personal or of just ordinary information. Also blogs can be used, for social commentaries or political views. Blogs can be whatever the readers or the authors chose to write.
  • Work 'Internet' in daily use

    Work 'Internet' in daily use
    Works “internet in daily use, is used nearly everywhere at every time. The internet is needed for mostly everything. If the internet didn’t exist then most companies couldn’t manage, as businesses need information, and email daily. The main activities used from the internet consist of communicating with family and friends. Overall most people’s lives without internet would be hard not just for them but for mainly their job occupation itself. Peoples jobs would struggle without it.
  • 10 Million Users

    10 Million Users
    The internet is defined of the worldwide interconnection of a individual networks, which are operated by not only the government but the industry, private parties as well as the academia. From the beginning the internet was used to interconnect laboratories which were engaged in government research. Although since the years of 1994, the internet has be expanded to of served over 10 million users daily, from personal use or even jobs and businesses.
  • Dotcom Bubble Burst

    Dotcom Bubble Burst
    The dot-com bubble started as a stock market bubble which popped to the near-devasting effect in 2001. It was developed by other internet sites and the tech industry. Although many companies went under when the bubble had first burst. Investors including businesses had lost a lot of money, when helping to of trigger the economic recession in the year of 2000. However, analysts had noted that some of the companies didn’t seem to be concerned by the burst of bubble compared to others.
  • Facebook

    Facebook, consists of an online social networking site, which allows users to message and post news feeds about information on anything. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, including his college roommates at Harvard University. The website started as a membership to Harvard students only. It then gained support from other students at other various universities, before allowing anyone over the age of 13 to access; people must register, including their name and age.
  • Twitter

    Twitter, is an online social networking site which enabled users to tweet, message and post images daily on their newsfeed. This type of micro blogging service let users send tweets of up to 140 characters long. Twitter was produced in March 2006 by a man called Jack Dorsey. This type of social networking was rapidly gaining new users of up to 1000’s daily. Not only was this network site being used by the public but soon became used by celebrities.