ICT since 82

  • Microbee arrive

    Microbee computers start to penetrate Victorain schools
  • Lotus Notes Mail Client

    Notes sells 35,000 mail clients in the first year
  • Microsoft Office 1 arrives

  • 1996 Hotmail Arrives

    Free Hotmail email accounts become available
  • 1997 10 Million Hotmail users

  • Microsoft buys Hotmail

    31 Dec 1997 - Estimated $400 Million
  • 30 Million Hotmail users

  • Skype created

  • Delicious founded

  • Facemash (Facebook) arrives

  • Web 2.0 applications begin to emerge

  • Google Earth arrives

  • Youtube arrives

  • Twitter arrives

  • iPhone arrives

  • Dropbox created

  • Android OS arrives

  • Facebook 100 million users

  • Bubbl.us Arrives

  • First Android phone

  • Prezzi Released

  • Facebook 500 million

  • First Smart Phone

    I purchased my first smart phone.
    It is an Android device.
    When I bought it the device it's initial use was as a mobile phone handset.
  • Facebook 900 million

  • Smart Phone Now

    Today my smart phone is a:
    Phone, a web browser,a scientific calculator, a graphing tool, a front end to Facebook, Hotmail, Gmail and Youtube, a pdf reader, an (Microsoft) office suite reader, a university front end, a skype interface, a news and weather service, a television guide, a gps navigator, a music player, a drawing tool, a movie review tool, a front end to dropbox, a diving certficate holder, a QR barcode scanner and much, much more.