CTR (Computing Tabulating Recording Company) was founded -
The company's founder, Thomas J. Watson, Sr. created IBM's motto "Think," for his vision for thought. -
Printing Tabulator
First CTR printing tabulator -
CTR becomes International Business Machines aka IBM. -
Test Scoring Machine
IBM created the 805 test scoring machine -
Automated Sequence Controlled Calculator
IBM co-develops its first computer, the Automated Sequence Controlled Calculator also known as, Mark I, with Harvard University. It was used by the Navy to calculate gun trajectories. -
First Research Lab
IBM’s first research lab -
Hard Disk Drive
The first commercial hard disk drive, which was a major component of the groundbreaking 305 RAMAC computer. -
Floppy Disk
IMB developed the floppy disk -
Laser Printer
IMB created the first laser printer -
Microsoft Operating System
Microsoft and IBM sign a deal to put the former's operating system on IBM computers. -
Personal Computer
The IBM Personal Computer 5150 debuts, a landmark in the transition of computing from the province of the military and big government to everyday people. -
Nobel Prize
IBM wins a Nobel Prize for high-temperature conductivity -
IMB Beats Garry Kasparaov in Chess
IBM Deep Blue beats Garry Kasparaov, marking the first time a computer had defeated a reigning world champion in a traditional match. Kasparov resigned after 19 moves. -
100's Birthday + Jeopardy
IBM turns 100. The company celebrates by passing Microsoft's market value for the first time in 15 years and watching the Watson computing platform destroy the human competition in Jeopardy -
Partnership with MIT to enhance AI