Jan 1, 711
Batlle of Guadelete, Cádiz
An army of Berbers arrive to the Peninsula in Cádiz and kill Rodrigo -
Feb 1, 711
Dependent Emirate
The dominions in the Peninsula became part of the Caliphate -
Feb 1, 712
Toledo is conquered
Tariq´s army conqured Toledo in the year 712 -
Jan 1, 722
Battle of Covadonga
Peayo defeated the muslims in the battle of Covadonga in the year 722 -
Feb 1, 739
Kingdom of Asturias
Alfonso I started to expanded his domains to Galicia and the northern Meseta -
Feb 1, 756
Independent Emirate
Abderramán named himself Caliph -
Feb 1, 824
Kingdom of Pamplona
In the year 824 the Kingdomof Pamplona was formed, later Kingdom of Navarra. -
Feb 1, 866
Kingdom of Asturias
Alfonso III conquered Coimbra and Oporto. When he died, he divided his possessions into three kingdoms: Asturias, Galicia and León -
Feb 1, 929
Cordoba Caliphate
Abderraman III named himself Caliph -
Feb 1, 1001
Kingdom of Pamplona
Beginning 11th century,maximum size → Sancho III, who added the counties of Castilla and Aragón to his dominions. After his death, kingdom divided. -
Feb 1, 1031
Taifa Kingdoms
Caliphate divided in small kingdoms called Taifas -
Feb 1, 1085
North Africa Empires
Almoravids and Almohads invaded Taifa kingdoms -
Feb 1, 1177
Kingdom of Castilla
Alfonso VIII conquered Cuenca (1177) and defeated the Almohads at the Battle of Navas de Tolosa (1212). -
Feb 1, 1229
Kingdom of Castilla
Alfonso IX of León conquered Cáceres and Badajoz (1229–1230) -
Feb 1, 1230
Kingdom of Castilla
Fernando III conquered the Valle del Guadalquivir -
Feb 1, 1231
Kingdom of Castilla
Alfonso X conquered Cádiz, making the Kingdom of Granada the only remaining Muslim state. -
Feb 1, 1232
Kingdom of Castilla
Alfonso XI fought off an invasion by the North African Marinid dynasty, who had crossed the strait to protect Granada. -
Feb 1, 1301
Kingdom of Aragon
the south of France (12th and 13th centuries). The vassalage of various French cities and counties had been obtained through arranged marriages.