First IB Exams Taken
MYP introduced
PYP Introduced
Expansion of Online Classes and Use of Online resouces
In the aftermath of COVID-19 I believe that the IBO will be reassessing the structure of their classes and the availability of online classes for students. I think that they will begin to explore the increased use of online resources for practical work such as the IAs and CAS work. -
Introduction of "intern for credits"
In expanding on the available CP diploma the IBO could start to explore the availability of internships and job experience that could be equated to class credits. -
Student Led Curriculum
As the IBO has encouraged lifelong and self-motivated learners, and as the capabilities of online learning expand, a greater assessment focus could be expanded on students' ability to critically analyse and utilise information in any chosen field. If learners are able to adapt the field of their choice to the IBO standards and display sufficient mastery they could create courses catering to their own interests and emerging fields.