Ian's History of the Atom

  • Dalton suggest Atomic Theory

    Dalton suggest Atomic Theory
    circular, measurable, solid atoms
  • Dmitri Mendeleev introduces Pireodic table and the Periodic Law

    Dmitri Mendeleev introduces Pireodic table and the Periodic Law
  • James Clerk Maxwell suggests both electric and magnetic feilds surround the atom

  • Wilhelm Roentgen discovers X-rays

    Wilhelm Roentgen discovers X-rays
  • J.J. Thomson discovers the electron

    J.J. Thomson discovers the electron
  • J.J. Thomson creates "plum pudding " model of the atom

    J.J. Thomson creates "plum pudding " model of the atom
  • Nagaoka makes "Saturnian" of the atom

  • Albert Einstein introduces the forever famous equation E=mc 2

    Albert Einstein introduces the forever famous equation E=mc 2
  • Ernest Rutherford discovers properties of the nucleus and suggests that electrons are located outside the nucleus

  • Aston descovers isotopes

  • Bohr changes the placement of the electron

    Bohr changes the placement of the electron
  • Cockcroft and Walton build first partical accelerator

  • James Chadwick discovers proves the existance of the neutron

    James Chadwick discovers proves the existance of the neutron
    exact date unkown
  • Enrico Fermi conducts first controlled splitting of the atom

    Enrico Fermi conducts first controlled splitting of the atom