Screenshot 2019 03 07 at 10.55.37 am

ian hill colonail events

By mboltz1
  • send 100 men to roanoke island

    queen elizabeth allowed them to send to roanoke island
  • a bunch of more people arrived

    when these people arrived they found out that the men were killed by southern colonies! :0
  • a grave discovery

    when white arrived, nobody was there! it was like they disappeared! the word "CROATOAN" was carved on a tree nearby
  • over 100 men landed on virginia james river

    this water was not healthy to drink. they were immediately attacked by southern colonies but were determined to stay. they attempted to built a fort but severe winter came
  • captain smith came back to england

    when he became ill and stopped visiting the settlement
  • pocahontas married!

    she moved to another settlement and was converted to Christianity. this is where she met her husband john rifle
  • first elected assembly was established. it was called house of burgesses

    first elected assembly was established. it was called house of burgesses