71vm8ec2kdl. sy600

I only Wanted to Live

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The Germans started to bomb Poland out of nowhere as an invasion.
    Character Development (Negative): Leon was ignorant about the war and treated it as a game, which was highly dangerous.
  • Leon's family lives with Farmers

    Leon's family lives with Farmers
    After the shell bombing a farmer took Leon's family in, and Leon met Zosia, which was also a 7 year old.
    Character Development (positive): Leon became more responsible and mature, as he had to take care of the geese with Zosia, but was still ignorant of the actual situation of World War II.
  • Leon celebrates the capture of Paris

    Leon celebrates the capture of Paris
    Leon still had no idea what was really happening, so when his family returns to their home, he makes German friends and goes to the parade to celebrate Paris's capture. Afterward Leon's parents described to him the problem of the war.
    Character Development (Positive): Leon now knows better of right and wrong decisions.
  • Becoming Independent

    Becoming Independent
    Leon's parents ended up being deported to concentration camps, but Leon decided to try to live on his own until the war ends.
    Character Development (positive): Leon becomes more independent because he goes on his own, and eventually, is taken in by families before being caught.
  • Liberation

    After liberation took place, Leon became bitter of his father's death and threatened nearby German villages if they did not give him and his friends food.
    Character Development (negative): Leon became a sort of heartless person toward German people because of his experiences he had of them, but later became ashamed of his actions.
  • Theme: Becoming independent and aware of your surroundings gives you a better chance of succession.

    Theme: Becoming independent and aware of your surroundings gives you a better chance of succession.