17th and 18th centry intro to ag history

  • small land

    small land grants commoly made to individual settlers;large tracts often granted to well connected colonist
  • all forms of live stock

    all forms of livestock contain every thing but turkeys
  • gasses

    there was no gasback then cuz there where no gas stations back then
  • diffrent color people that had to work

    there where many diffrent color people that worked in the famrs
  • crops

    they had corn,soybean,tomatos and potatos
  • cars and trucks

    they didnt have any automobiles back then
  • machenains

    they had no mecheanis back then they had to do it by hand
  • how they had to mow grass

    they used push mowers
  • pets that they had

    dogs and cats
  • water supply

    they had to get water from rivers and streams
  • how they had to get food

    they had to hunt with bows
  • farming back then

    they had to do it by hand and it took hard laybor