1973 maría moreno, francisco and antonio lópez   man and woman

Hyperrealism and Antonio López

  • Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych

    Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych
    Marilyn dies and Warhol ends the diptych dedicated to her.
  • Chuck Close's Big Self-Portrait

    Chuck Close's Big Self-Portrait
    Chuck Close exhibits his breakthrough painting Big Self-Portrait (1967-1968) publicly for the first time.
  • Duane Hanson's Woman Eating

    Duane Hanson's Woman Eating
    Duane Hanson's super-realistic Woman Eating is completed.
  • Antonio López at work

    Antonio López at work
    María Moreno and Francisco López with Antonio López while he is working on his sculpture Man and Woman.
  • Madrid from Torres Blancas

    Madrid from Torres Blancas
    View of Madrid from Torres Blancas is finished in 1982 by Antonio López.
  • Quince Tree

    Quince Tree
    Antonio López begins to paint Quince Tree and Víctor Erice begins to film the artist's creative process.
  • Dream of Light, by Víctor Erice

    Dream of Light, by Víctor Erice
    Dream of Light, a film by Víctor Erice, has its world premiere in Barcelona.
  • Day and Night

    Day and Night
    Day and Night, the two sculptures by Antonio López representing his granddaughter's head, are installed in Madrid Atocha railway station.