Hydrogen Timeline

  • Hydrogen

    1766: Hydrogen was first discovered as a distinct element by British scientist Henry Cavendish after he separated hydrogen gas by reacting zinc metal with hydrochloric acid
  • More Hydrogen

    More Hydrogen
    1800: Scientists William Nicholson and Sir Anthony Carlisle discovered that if you apply electricity to water it produced hydrogen and oxygen gasses, it is also called electrolysis
  • Even More Hydrogen

    Even More Hydrogen
    1920s: German engineer Rudolf Erren switched the internal combustion engines of trucks, buses and submarines to use hydrogen and hydrogen mixtures/ J.B.S. Haldane showed the concept of renewable hydrogen in his newspaper
  • The MAX amount of hydrogen

    The MAX amount of hydrogen
    The Soviet Union Tupolev Design Bureau awesomely transferred a one hundred sixty four commercial TU-154 jet to control one of the three jet engines on liquid hydrogen