Controversy over the H-bomb
The hydrogen bomb was created by the fusion of hydrogen atoms, while the atomic bomb was caused by the splitting of atoms. This caused the H- bomb to be a weapon 100 times more powerful than the atomic bomb, because of its power scientists argued on building it. In spite of controversy the building of the bomb went forward in the late 40´s and early 50´s with President Truman making the final decision to move forward with construction. -
Federal Civil Defense Administration
To protect the American citizens against a nuclear attack the FCDA was created by the Truman administration. The FDCA issued informational booklets and films about how to survive nuclear attacks, and air-raid sirens were installed in many communities. -
The First Hydrogen bomb
The First U.S. hydrogen bomb was tested on Eniwetak Atoll in the Marshall islands. The bomb created 10.4 megatons of energy, which equaled 10.4 million tons of TNT. The bomb had a fireball that stretched 3 miles and a mushroom cloud that could be seen at least 25 miles into the air. This hydrogen bomb was nicknamed "Mike", also called "Operation Ivy" , weighed 1 million pounds and was 3 stories tall. -
Start of the Arms Race
The United State´s H- bomb had put them ahead of the Soviet Union technologically until August of 1953 when they tested an H- bomb of their own. This stated the Arms Race between the two countries -
U.S. launches nuclear powered submarine
The United States launches the first nuclear submarine called the USS Nautilus. The sun was powered by nuclear fuel that was heated to create steam, which powered the engine. This new invention allowed vessels to travel at greater speeds and preform missions over greater distances, because they could travel for months without refueling. In the future these subs would also carry nuclear missiles. -
Improved H-bomb
The first Hydrogen bomb was massive which made it impossible to use against enemies. The U.S. tested their improved bomb on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. It´s fireball reached 3 miles in seconds and was expected to have 5 megatons of energy, but ended up having 14.8 megatons which made it the United State´s most powerful nuclear explosion. -
Nuclear fears amongst the American people
After the hydrogen bomb testing Americans started to fear the possibilities of a nuclear attack. They also feared nuclear fallout which is when radioactive particles from nuclear explosions fall to the ground. Exposure to nuclear fallout causes burns and can increase the risk of future health problems. They were made aware of these dangers after the H-bomb testing on March 1st when storms carried the fallout and people had to evacuate their homes and one man even died from the radioactivity. -
The Soviet Union Missile
The Soviet Union was falling behind the U.S. in the construction of weapons until in 1957 they tested a missile that had a 4,000 mile range which doubled the distance that the United State's most advanced missile could travel. -
Soviets launch Sputnik
The Soviet Union was now ahead of the United States when they launched Sputnik which is a satellite that orbits around the Earth. The satellite was the size of a basketball and weighed only 200 pounds. -
Sputnik 2
While the Soviets were ahead in the Arms Race they launched a Sputnik 2 which carried a dog into space. This became the first living creature to orbit the Earth. -
United States launches fist satellite
Explorer 1 was the U.S.'s first satellite ever launched into space which was created in response to the Soviet Union's Sputnik. Explorer 1's mission was to detect cosmic rays in Earth's orbit. -
United States launches NASA
Congress passes legislation to create NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). NASA took charge of the nation's space exploration programs and this proved that the U.S. was dedicated to winning the Arms Race against the Soviets. -
National Defense Education Act
Americans started to wonder if the decline in the education system was the reason that the Soviets had been able to advance more than the U.S. technologically. Because of these fears Congress passed the National Defense Education Act, which gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the U.S. education system. -
Limit Test-Ban Treaty
American fears of nuclear attack got so strong that many citizens started building bomb shelters in their yards. These fears led the United States to negotiate a treaty with the Soviet Union that limited nuclear testing.The treaty prohibited the testing of all nuclear weapons accept those that were underground.