HWH Anes Mehmeti

  • 102

    Rome Economic

    Marius led the army. He told all of the people that joined his army that they would get a piece of of the land from the war as a reward.
  • 146

    Roman Culture

    BC, After Greece became a Roman province, the Romans adopted several elements of the Greek culture.
  • 202

    Rome Economic

    BC, Scipio Routed Hannibal's forces on the plain of Zama outside Carthige and took the city. This ended the second Punic War.
  • 206

    China Enviroment

    BC, The Han dynasty developed several things including agriculture and handcrafts. One big thing that happend was the silk roads.
  • 221

    China Economic

    BC, Shi Huangdi ruled china, he worked to strengthen China. But he ruled harshly.
  • 221

    China Culture

    BC, Ying Zheng set out to build the great wall of china. To this day ths wall is still standing.
  • 256

    Rome Politics

    BC, The Romans had defeated the Etruscans and the Greek Cities in Southern Italy. As the Romans conquered Italy they did not apply too many conditions on their subjects.
  • 256

    Rome Enviroment

    BC Romans defeated the Etruscans. They now control italy and want to rule Sicily.
  • 300

    China Economic

    BC, The Qin dynasty replaced the Zhou dynasty. It would eventually fall because of a peasant rebel.
  • 300

    Rome Economic

    BC, The second most important magistrates were the censors. They recorded the cities population and how much property each person owned.
  • 400

    Rome Social

    BC, men were required to be part of the military. All men between the ages of 17 and 46 with a minimum amout of property were required to serve
  • 450

    Rome Political

    BC, The law of the Twelve Tables was rome's first written law code. The laws protected both the lenders and borrowers
  • 450

    Rome Political

    BC, The Plebeians forced the Patricians to have all laws written down. So the Patricians know the laws and could not get arrested for no reason.
  • 450

    Rome Social

    BC, The Law of 12 tabkes effected marraiges. People of different classes could not marry each other.
  • 470

    Greece Social

    Athens emerged to Delian League. The delian league eventually grew to 200 city-states
  • 500

    Greece Enviroment

    BC, Athenian leader Cleisthenes broke power of the nobility. This caused people to organize themselves into 10 groups where they lived on their wealth.
  • 520

    India Culture

    BC, Buddhsim was developed. Siddharta Gautama founded Buddhsim. He was the prince of a litlle kingdom.
  • 546

    Greece Culture

    BC, The Persian War began between the greek and persian empire. The persians won and conquered the area.
  • 551

    China Social

    551 BC, Confucius was born. He developed 5 relationships to organize China in a time of crisis. He also had many sayings/qoutes that were part of everyday life
  • Dec 3, 600

    Greece Economic

    600-370 BC, Sparta had the most powerful army in Greece, the Spartan people paid a high price for the military supremacy.
  • Dec 3, 621

    Greece Political

    BC, Draco came to power. He was the first Democratic nobleman. He aslo developed a legal code.
  • Dec 3, 650

    Greece Social

    BC, Mycenaeans resented Spartans harsh rule. As a result it turned into a city state.
  • Dec 3, 700

    Greece Culture

    BC, Homers composed epics and narrative poems, called the Iliad.
  • Dec 3, 725

    Greece Economy

    BC, Sparta conquered the neighboring region Mycenia and took over the land. Mycenians became peasants forced to stay on the land and work for the Spartans.
  • Dec 3, 750

    China Political

    BC, City-states were fundamental political unit in ancient greece. City-states were always joining Greece.
  • Dec 4, 753

    Rome Culture

    Accourding to Roman legend, Romulus and Remus were twin brothers. They were raised by a she-wolf.
  • Dec 4, 760

    Rome Culture

    The forum was the center of life. It had several diverse activities happening. It was a political center but it also was a good place to comunicate with others.
  • Dec 2, 1000

    China Enviroment

    BC, the Zhou brought the Mandate of Heaven to power. it chose the leader and became central to the government.
  • Dec 2, 1027

    China Political

    BC, the Shang Dynasty ended. They built elaborate palaces and tombs that were found and left a lot of information.
  • Dec 2, 1027

    China Political

    BC, The Zhou dynasty came in and made their own dynasty. They overthrew the Shang dynasty which previously ruled.
  • Dec 3, 1200

    Greece Economy

    BC, Sea riders attacked and burned Mycenaean cities.
    The Mycenean cities were invaded and became weaker as a result to the attack
  • Dec 3, 1200

    Greece Enviroment

    BC, Trojan war was fought between the Mycenaeans and Troy
    The Trojan war lasted 10 years and the Mycenaeans apperently won.
  • Dec 2, 1368

    China Culture

    1368 to 1644 CE, The Ming dynasty was the last Chinese dynasty. It was famous for its exquisite arts and crafts.
  • Dec 2, 1500

    India Enviroment

    BC, Normadic people from north of the Hindu Kush known as the Aryans came into the Indus Valley. Civilization grew again thanks to the Aryans.
  • Dec 3, 1500

    Greece Social

    BC, The Myceneans and the Minoan met through seaborne trade. This lead to further trade, new ideas, and products.
  • Nov 30, 1530

    Mesopotamia Economy

    BC, Babylonia is conquired by the Kassites. The Kassites ruled the land for over 4000 years.
  • China Social

    BC, the Chinese had their own written language. It didn’t link to other written language.
  • Greece Enviromen

    1600-1100 BC, Mycenae could withstand from any attack warrior kings surrounded the village and farms. Strong rulers controlled the area.
  • Egypt Political

    1630-1523 BC, the Hyksos ruled Egypt between 1630-1523 BC. They were known as “rulers of foreign lands”.
  • Egypt Social

    BC, the Middle Kingdom was brought to an end. Hyksos moved from Palestine across the Isthmus of Suez into Egypt.
  • China Social

    BC, the rich and poor lived in different styles of sheltes thet they called home.the higher class people lived in timber framed houses made of straw and clay while the lower class just lived in little huts.
  • China Political

    BC, The Shang Dynasty rose. They were the first family of Chinese rulers to leave written records.
  • India Enviroment

    BC, Building started to deline, cities fell into decay. Later descovered that earthquakes and floods caused the walls to decay.
  • Mesopotamia Economy

    BC, Hammurabi code of laws. This was the first written code of laws that citizens could find and read out on the street. Citizens were informed of criminal acts so no one could say they were unaware of the laws
  • Mesopotamia Political

    BC, Hammarabi took over as the ruler of Mesopotamia. During his rule Mesopotamia was at its peak.
  • Rome Economy

    BC Caesar and Pompey go into a civil war, Caesar wins and he got full control over the Republic. The Senate then later declared him as the dictator of Rome for life.
  • Rome Social

    BC, First triumvirate formed with Caesar, Gnaeus, Pompey, and Licinius
  • China Enviroment

    BC, The settlements began to grow to become China's first
    cities. At this time the Chinese first dynasty, the Xia dynasty was first created.
  • Egypt Economy

    BC, Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country. As a result, agriculture advanced.
  • China Culture

    618-907 CE, The tang dynasty controled from 618-907 CE. Literature and arts flourished under the ruling of the Tang Dynasty.
  • China Economic

    BC, The Grand Canal was built. This help expansion and developed more trading options.
  • Greece Polotocal

    BC, Solon made democratic reforms. No one could own another person, which meant that slavery was outlawed.
  • Greece Culture

    BC, The Persian fleet carried 25,000 men across the Aegean Sea and landed northeast of Athens. This changed the city of Athens.
  • Roman Enviroment

    BC, The Etruscan's influenced Rome a lot. They built Romes first sewers and city walls.
  • Egypt Poliical

    2040-1640 BC, The Middle Kingdom restored law and order.
  • Egypt Enviroment

    Between 2040-1640 BC, Egyptians improved trade and transportation. They accomplished this by digging a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea.
  • Egypt Political

    The power of the Pharaohs started to declined. This caused the end of the Old Kingdom.
  • India Social

    BC, First peopleto strat pluming. Pluming showed social class, better plumbing=higher social class.
  • India Political

    The planned cities suggested that they had a strong government. They made high walls for the rich to resemble temples.
  • India Political

    Weapons were not found a lot. This suggested that they were peaceul and did not have conflicts with others.
  • Mesopotamia Social

    BC, Sumerian city-states were ruled by dynasties. Leadership kept villages in place, an important part of Sumerian society.
  • Mesopotamia Social

    BC, Sumerians believed in several Gods (they were polytheistic). They believed that there are gods such as God of the wind.
  • Mesopotamia Socail

    BC, Many settlers gather and traded ideas within Sumerian city-states. Cultural diffusion helped other cultures share and experience new things.
  • Egypt Culture

    Egyptians built pyramids. They were used as a burial sites for the pharaohs.
  • India Social

    2500-1500 BC, THe Harappan Cities uniformity in religion and culture. Artifacts such as clay and wooden toys shows a society that can make goods that are not essential.
  • India Political

    BC, Some of the largest cities inclueded Kaliebngan, Mohenjo-Daro, and Harappa. Most trading and other developments happened in these cities.
  • India Enviroment

    BC, They used bricks to build there cities. They built strong levees to keep water out of there cities.
  • India Culture

    2500-1500 BC, The Harappan culture developed a written language. THis written language has been impossible to decipher
  • India Economics

    BC, Citties were planned to be made. They relied heavly on their walls to protect them from natural disasters
  • Egypt Economy

    Start of the Old Kingdom. The Pyramids show the strength of Egypt and show the economic strength and technology.
  • Mesopotamia Culture

    BC, The Royal tombs of Ur were created. Their were 16 tombs in total and 15 of them were considered royal.
  • India Economic

    BC, Trading began. The Indus River gave them a good way to get to the sea. The sea allowed them to trade with distant civilizations.
  • India Social

    BC, India traded silver and gold with Afghanistan. Culture difusion occured.
  • Egypt Culture

    BC, Pharaohs became Egypt's kings and were viewed as gods. This type of government was called theocracy.
  • Mesopotamia Culture

    BC, The epic Gilgamesh is written. Gilgamesh was the first ever written epic and several stories can be related to this epic.
  • Egypt Enviroment

    BC, the Egyptians created the calendar with 365 days. They used it to keep track of when to plant crpos and harvest according to flooding.
  • Egypt Economy

    BC, The Egyptians developed a system of written numbers for counting, adding, and subtraction. They used the system to collect taxes.
  • Mesopotamia Economy

    BC, Ur rises to become a huge city. Had an est. populaton of 80,000 people which made it the largest city in the world. It was the center of civilization.
  • Mesopotamia Culture

    BC, The Sumerian language was invented. The sumerian language is he oldest form of written language. This opened opportunities for people to record stories, important events, etc.
  • Mesopotamia Political

    3000-2000 BC, The Sumerian city-states were always in war. This led to Mesopotamia becoming an Empire
  • Mesopotamia Political.

    Priests were responsible for their own government. The preists and nobility were at the top of the social class.
  • Egypt Social

    BC, There was a distinct social class. The Kings, Queens, priests, and wealthy landowners were above merchants who were above farmers and peasants.
  • Egypt Social

    BC, the Egyptians developed hieroglyphics. Unlike cuneiform it was written on papyrus reeds.
  • Egypt Enviroment

    BC, the Villages of Egypt were under control of Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. They were said to be under the control of Narmer
  • Egypt Culture

    Egyptians believed in many gods. They were polytheistic.
  • Mesopotamia Enviroment

    BC, Sumerians made farming easier. The Sumerians created several tools and envented new technology for farming
  • Mesopotamia Enviroment

    BC, Sumerians faced many environmental challenges. They dealt with floods or no rain.
  • Mesopotamia Enviroment

    Mesopotamia is located in the Fertile Cresent. This was an are with rich soil which was good for farmng.
  • Indian Culture

    BC, The people of the Indus Valley farmed along the Indus River. The soil was rich and good for farming. They were among the first to settle.
  • India Economic

    BC, The people of the Indus Valley domesticated animals such as sheep and goats.