Haymarket Riot
To this day, it has not been discovered who, but during the riot someone threw a homemade pipe bomb at the police. Over 60 were injured and eight died. The police started to fire at the crowd, injuring over 200 workers (strikers) and killing four. -
American Federation of Labor
Better known as AFL and was one of the first federations of labor unions. Ruled by Samuel Gompers and focused on specific short-term goals like higher wages, shorter hours and right to negotiate with employer. -
Sherman Antitrust Act
This act was passed by U.S. Congress and bascially restricted monopolies. The federal government must investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and companies of violating the act. -
Homestead Strike
It was not only a strike but also an industrial lockout. In the end, it was a major defeat for the Union and a setback to unionize steelworkers. -
Pullman Strike
The strike was a responce to the reduction in wages, which brought traffic west of Chicago to a halt. -
President Roosevelt
He was the first president to intervene and try to resolve the labor dispute. He also tried to settle the strike about coal miners. The following March, miners were awarded 10% increase and nine hour workday. -
Official name is National Assosiation of the Advancement of Colored People and was an African- American civil rights organization. Was created to make sure that political, education, social and economic rights are equal for whites and colored. -
Coal Strike of 1919
Strike started because at the end of WW1, the wage agrrement was to end. After 3 weeks and coal running low, an agreement was made and workers returned to work. -
Railroad Brotherhoods
A nationwide strike that occured because the Railroad Labor Board annouced that they would cut wages.