My prediction is the storm is gonna go away but the effects aren't. I think Louisiana is not gonna be 100% until maybe a few weeks to a month. But I think it is gonna take longer due to it still being hurricane season. But I think after a few months it should be back to normal. -
Ida Hits Louisiana
Who:People in Louisiana
What:Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana.
When:August 29, 2021
Where:Louisiana, United States
Why:This is important because this is when the hurricane hit the mainland.
Link:https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/hurricane-ida-updates-08-29-21/index.html -
New Orleans Has No Power
Who:People in New Orleans
What:New Orleans has no power as Louisiana is being hit.
When:August 30, 2021
Where:New Orleans, Louisiana
Why:This is important because without power people are gonna die.
Link:https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/08/29/us/hurricane-ida-live-updates-new-orleans-louisiana -
14 New Yorkers Die
Who:14 people in New york.
What:14 people died in New York due to hurricane Ida.
When:September 2, 2021
Where:New York, United States
Why:This is important because this shows how strong hurricanes are getting.
Link:https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/02/new-york-flooding-state-of-emergency-ny-city-flash-flood-nyc-hurricane-ida-remnants -
Oil Spilled In The Gulf of Mexico
Who:Coast Guard
What:Oil is spilled after Hurricane Ida in the Gulf of Mexico.
When:September 3, 2021
Where:Gulf of Mexico
Why:This is important because the oil can damage the ecosystem.
Link:https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/148820/hurricane-ida-leaves-a-trail-of-oil -
People Need Better Protection
Who:Louisiana people
What:People in hard hit areas need better protection.
When:September 10, 2021
Where:Louisiana, United States
Why:This is important because people do need better protection from hurricanes.
Link:https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/10/us/hurricane-ida-aftermath-louisiana-friday/index.html -
Chauvin Sculptures Break
Who:Chauvin people
What:Chauvin sculptures got broken by the hurricane but are planned on being repaired
When:September 12, 2021
Where:Chauvin, Louisiana
Why:This is important because this is a beauty to look at so it should be fixed.
Link:https://www.houmatoday.com/story/news/2021/09/12/hurricane-ida-damage-chauvin-sculpture-garden-terrebonne-parish/5778728001/ -
Zookeepers Keep Animals Safe
Who:Zookeepers and animals.
What:Zookeepers took care of and kept the animales safe
When:September 12, 2021
Where:New Orleans, Louisiana
Why:This is important because animals matter also.
Link:https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/mississippi/articles/2021-09-12/zoo-and-aquarium-in-new-orleans-weather-hurricane-ida-safely -
2 Weeks Still Without Power
Who:People of Louisiana.
What:After 2 weeks of the storm many people still don't have power.
When:September 13, 2021
Where:Louisiana, United States
Why:This is important because people need that power to live.
Link:https://www.npr.org/2021/09/13/1036665971/two-weeks-after-hurricane-ida-tens-of-thousands-in-louisiana-are-still-without-p -
FSU Drone Team Helps Survivors
Who:FSU drone team
What:FSU drone team assisted in helping survivors.
When:September 14, 2021
Where:Grande Isle, Louisiana
Why:This is important because more people should be helping like these guys and gals.
Link:https://news.fsu.edu/news/2021/09/14/fsu-drone-team-assists-in-hurricane-ida-rescue-and -
Ida Halts Factories
Who:Factory workers and consumers.
What:Hurricane Ida halts factory's productions.
When:September 15, 2021
Where:United States
Why:This is important because factories need to be working to help the people.
Link:https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-import-prices-post-first-decline-10-months-2021-09-15/ -
Gas Prices Go Up
Who:People of the United States
What:Gas prices are gonna rise because of hurricane Ida.
When:September 15, 2021
Where:United States
Why:This is important because gas prices if they go higher are gonna be worse for the average person.
Link:https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/15/business/hurricane-ida-impact-car-prices/index.html -
Power Lines and Pylons Built Not For Hurricanes
Who:People of Louisiana
What:The power lines and pylons were not built to withstand a hurricane.
When:September 17, 2021
Where:Louisiana, United States
Why:This is important because they should be built to withstand and it would save more lives if they were.
Link:https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/17/business/energy-environment/hurricane-ida-entergy-power-outage-new-orleans.html -
New Orleans Trash Parade
Who:New Orleans people.
What:New Orleans people threw a trash parade.
When:September 21, 2021
Where:New Orleans, Louisiana
Why:This is important because they are trying to make the best of their situation.
Link:https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/09/20/new-orleans-hurricane-ida-garbage-stench/5787262001/ -
Heat Kills People Without Power
Who:Vulnerable people to heat.
What:Many people have died due to heat because of hurricane Ida.
When:September 22, 2021
Where:Louisiana, United States
Why:This is important because people dying of heat isn’t good and we need to do something to prepare better.
Link:https://weather.com/news/news/2021-09-17-hurricane-ida-low-income-senior-housing-heat-evacuations -
Louisiana Giving Out Housing and Trailers
Who:People in Louisiana
What:Louisiana is offering people trailers and housing.
When:October 5, 2021
Where:Louisiana, United States
Why:This is important because these people need the help.