William Penn Lands
William PennWilliam Penn
William Penn, a philosopher, landed in the Pennsylvania woods at Chester. In 1863, less than a year later he made a charter that allowed hunting on all of his land. -
The American Bird
Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle, our National bird even until today was chosen as our national bird for its powerful, beauty and its integrity. Its "call" is known to americans as the shreaking cry of freedom. -
John "appleseed" Chapman
Johnny appleseedJohny Appleseed (John Chapman) set up his first apple tree nursery along Brokenstraw Creek in Warren County. He is still known all over our country..and even more state. As his story gets passed down from generation to generation. -
The Gift
The Sharp Tailed Grouse 49 sharp-tailed grouse, a gift from Manitoba, released in Elk and McKean counties. These would be released and opened for a hunting season after the mating. -
Ring Neck PheasentsAbout 30,000 pheasants escape or die during September flooding at two Lycoming County game farms, which both received major damage to holding fields and buildings.