1200 BCE
Trojan War Analysis (Ms S deleted Summary)They knew that they wasn't gone stand a chance so they came up with an easier way by starting off setting a trap and then attacking.
Odysseus gain finally defeated the Trojans that him and his soldiers at first couldn't succeed to do it. He also gained more power over his island. He gained more power over his island because they had been having trouble defeating the Trojans and the simple fact the Odysseus and his soldiers finally did it without going against them and actually starting off fighting them. -
1200 BCE
Scylla and Charybdis
Summary:Scylla was a six headed monster. Charybdis was a ginormous whirlpool. Scylla swallowed one sailor for each head , when ships pass.Charybdis threatened to swallow the whole ship when it pass. Analysis:Odysseus and his men tried to avoided Scylla and Charybdis, so they had to navigate a path to get pass them. With Odysseus being brave and being a great leader to his men they were able to get pass them . So Odysseus did a great thing and took care of his men in this situation. -
1200 BCE
Lotus Eaters- Summary
Summary:The lotus eaters were when Odysseus and his crew finally escaped Odysseus and his crew finally escape, having lost six men per ship. A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters,Odysseus men's eat the fruit and lose thoughts of home and want to continue eating the fruit.Odysseus put his man on the ship trying to get then off of the island. So thy couldn't killed the Cyclopes because he was the only one that could open the cave. -
1200 BCE
Lotus Eaters-Analysis
Odysseus lost and learn something at the same time. He lost his men basically because they can barely remember anything because they ate the fruit. He learned that he has to be strong from his men and always there by there side. He had has to be strong for them because they are basically all that he has. His men couldn't resist temptation from the lotus eaters because the natives gave them the fruit and the men didn't know it was side effects to it, which would make them forget things. -
1200 BCE
Cyclopes is a giant lotus without no one to bless them. Odysseus shots him in the eye but doesnt kill him.He didn't kill him because Cyclopes is the only person that is powerful enough to open the cave up where Odysseus and his men need to go. Odysseus plans to have Cyclopes open the cave for him and his men. They call Cyclopes "Nobody " because he don't have any friends that's what's everybody called him because he a horrible monster. -
1200 BCE
Odysseus learned that he should just stick with him and his men because they are the only people that have his back and he is loyal to him and they are loyal back to him. Cyclopes relates to the theme of the Odyssey because in order for Odysseus and his men to escape the cave they have to blind Cyclopes one eye and Cyclopes is the sea god Poseidon's son. Which means they can't kill him because he has to open the cave for them and then they have to escape quit before Cyclopes try's to catch them. -
1200 BCE
Circe (Summary)
Summary:Circe is a goddess of magic, and will turn anybody into an animal. She has her own island and is guarded with animals that are basically people. She uses her beauty to get what she wants. She put Odysseus men under a spell , and turn them into pigs and she gave them food and drinks. The men that were eating the food and drinks fell into a trap. -
1200 BCE
Circe (Analysis )
Analysis: Odysseus shows that he cares for his men because he is trying to do everything he can to get them back to normal and back humans. Odysseus didn't drink or eat anything until she let his men free. This shows that he is a great leader and he don't wanna let his men down.Odysseus learn that Circe actually had a spot for him in her heart . Circe told him that it was going to be a monster on there way back home that it was going to kill 6 of his men. -
1200 BCE
Aeolus- Bag Of Wind
Summary: Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of wind. Odysseus and his men used the bag of wind to get back home. Odysseus and his men opened the bag thinking that it was gold and silver but instead it was wind to get them back to the island. They think that god cursed them so they don't help Odysseus and his men again. Odysseus and his men landed on the island of Laestrygones , with only 45 men on Odysseus ship and landed on the home of Circe island. -
1200 BCE
Aeolus -Bag Of Wind (Analysis)
Analysis:Odysseus learned that no matter how hard things , that he should give up on it. Odysseus trusted and underestimated his men. Which was wrong of him because he know that hymns his men have been threw a lot fighting and saving each other and trying to get back home. -
1200 BCE
Sirens (Analysis)
Analysis:Odysseus gain more respect from his men because he was trying to protect them for the sirens and also that he wanted to be different because he wanted to get tied up and hear the sirens. Also the song kind of help them because it revealed the future. -
1200 BCE
Sirens (Summary)
Summary:The sirens were lovely things , that Odysseus and his men approached on the island . Circe gave Odysseus instructions, which were to plug his men ears with beeswax so they wouldn't hear the sound. Which meant ha only Odysseus could and Circe could hear the sound and Odysseus followed her instructions to protect his men. -
1200 BCE
Helio's Cattle - Summary
Summary : Helio's asked Zeus in an angry way to punish Odysseus and his men for killed Helio's cattle , and Zeus did what he was told to do because he was following what was told of him. When they were at sea , Zeus sent a storm . Which destroyed Odysseus men and their ship but didn't it kill Odysseus. -
1200 BCE
Helio's Cattle -Analysis
Analysis: I leaned that Odysseus and his men were being disrespectful towards them . They ignored the omens and continued to feast on the cattle after they were told not to. If they would of listened maybe they would of been still living with Odysseus . Odysseus men disobey and disrespected Helio's Cattle , so he thought they should pay for what they did so they killed them. -
1200 BCE
Summary:The suitors didn't have any manners at all because they were disrespectful.They invaded Penelope and Telemachus palace while Odysseus was gone. They slaughtered livestock ,and tried to force Penelope to marry them. They also always ate all of the food. Analysis: There were over 100 suitors Penelope and Telemachus had to go against the suitor to try and get away from them,becaus ethe suitors wants to take over Penelope and the palace.