The hunger games cover

Hunger Games Plot

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    Katniss, the main character, lives in a dystopian future where the they are divided in 12 districts and Katniss hunts for food for her family.
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    Inciting Incident

    Prim is drawn for the Hunger Games but Katniss volunteers as tribute and is then chosen as the tribute of District 12 for the Hunger Games.
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    The people in the districts are very poor while people who live in the Capitol have it all. The 74th Hunger Games take place so that the people living in these districts can have a chance to get richer.
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    Rising Action

    During the reaping, Katniss volunteers in Prim's place for the Hunger Games.
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    Katniss and Peeta train with Effie and Haymitch for the Hunger Games. Later they enter the games.
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    Falling Action

    Katniss and Peeta convince the public of their romantic interest with each other, later winning viewer's love over the other tributes.
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    The Gamemakers let two tributes win that year. Peeta and Katniss win the Hunger Games.