The death of JOSEPH STALIN
The death of JOSEPH STALIN ended the Soviet grip within and without. -
IMRE NAGY , a more liberal Soviet-trained Hungarian Communist and became Prime Minister
IMRE NAGY , a more liberal Soviet-trained Hungarian Communist, became Prime Minister. He opposed his predecessor, the more hardline Hungarian Communist Party leader Matyas Rakosi. -
Russians wanted Hungary to return to the same old Communist leadership
RAKOSI ousted Nagy, indicating that the Russians wanted Hungary to return to the same old Communist leadership -
NIKITA KHRUSCHEV gave a "secret speech" denouncing Stalin.
NIKITA KHRUSCHEV (at the 20th Party Congress) gave a "secret speech" denouncing Stalin. This gave a signal to the governments of Eastern Europe that they could experiment with "national paths" within limits. Hungarians, too, hoped for more independence. -
anti-Communist workers' revolt; Stalinists squelched it with the help of the Polish Army
At the same time, in Poznan, Poland, there was a 50,000 anti-Communist workers' revolt; Stalinists squelched it with the help of the Polish Army. 50 died; hundreds were wounded -
University students formed an independent political organization criticizing the government
University students formed an independent political organization criticizing the government and its policies, and they distributed a list of demands. -
PETOFI CIRCLE were groups of Hungarian writers who participated in forums and debates
PETOFI CIRCLE were groups of Hungarian writers, and journalists who participated in forums and debates. They became more critical and active in politics, especially criticizing the Rakosi system. -
Khruschev was reluctant to use military force at first, but he did send the Russian tanks into Budapest
Khruschev was reluctant to use military force at first, but he did send the Russian tanks into Budapest -
IMRE NAGY became Prime Minister, and he spoke to thousands at the Parliament to try to calm the situation.
IMRE NAGY became Prime Minister, and he spoke to thousands at the Parliament to try to calm the situation. -
Period: to
young people started to fight
Young people took up arms to fight, getting guns and ammunition from the Hungarian police stations and army depots. -
All over the country, Revolutionary Workers Councils took over, and there was a call for a general strike.
All over the country, Revolutionary Workers Councils took over, and there was a call for a general strike. -
Everybody was happy
Everybody was happy -
The Soviet troops pulled out of Budapest to the countryside
The Soviet troops pulled out of Budapest to the countryside -
world forgetting hungary
In the meantime . . .
Unfortunately for Hungary, the SUEZ CRISIS diverted the world's attention away from Hungary.
Egypt had nationalized the Suez Canal, and
the British, French, and Israelis were determined to keep their "oil lifeline," so Israel invaded Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. -
Britain and France bombed Egypt by air.They sent in their land forces.
Britain and France bombed Egypt by air. They sent in their land forces. -
The U.N. only sent peacekeeping troops into Egypt even though Hungary, too had asked for help.
The U.N. only sent peacekeeping troops into Egypt even though Hungary, too had asked for help. -
The Soviets wanted a Hungarian government acceptable to itself
The Soviets wanted a Hungarian government acceptable to itself, so they chose JANOS KADAR [yon-oh-sh kod- ar] to form a counter-government. He had been tortured and imprisoned during the Rakosi years and Nagy brought him in as part of his government. [After the Revolution failed, he became the leader of Hungary.] -
Soviet tanks and troops came back into Budapest with overwhelming force and crushed the Revolution.
Soviet tanks and troops came back into Budapest with overwhelming force and crushed the Revolution. -
Some came to the U.S. by Military Troop Transport Ships and others were brought by plane.
Some came to the U.S. by Military Troop Transport Ships and others were brought by plane. -
NAGY and others in his government had to find refuge in the Yugoslav Embassy; but even though Kadar promised them safe passage when they left the Embassy, the Soviet security forces arrested them and held them in Romania. MALETER was never seen alive agai
NAGY and others in his government had to find refuge in the Yugoslav Embassy; but even though Kadar promised them safe passage when they left the Embassy, the Soviet security forces arrested them and held them in Romania. MALETER was never seen alive again.
In a show "trial," NAGY and the others were found "guilty of treason" of two crimes: abandoning the Communist Party and directly threatening the unity of the Soviet Bloc by withdrawing from the Warsaw Pact.