Oct 14, 1300
Clock continued
...ingenuity because it solved the problem of people not being able to tell and measure the time accurately. It helped people manage their time more efficiently and allowed creation of easy to understand different time zones. Without the invention of the clock, we would not be able to know the time or set an amount of time to a piece of work. In today’s life measuring time accurately is so important that most of the invention and modern procedures (like computer controlled manufacturing, ... -
Oct 14, 1300
The clock was invented in the 1300's by Khalaf-al-Muradi. It is a mechanical device that can display time in 24 hours. The clocks became more accurate after the discovery of the pendulum. It changed the world because prior to the invention of clock one could only estimate the rough time at a location based on Sun or star’s position depending on whether it was day or night. Clocks enabled people to know exact time which could be used as a standard reference by all. This is an example of human... -
Oct 14, 1300
Clock Continued 2
...medical procedures, launching of a satellite etc. ) would not be possible without the clock.
Caption: The picture is a picture of an early clock. -
Oct 14, 1302
Dante wrote "The Inferno" in 1302. It is a poem about Dante travelling through hell. Dante's Hell had 9 circles and in each one, the punishment was more severe than the last circle. It depicted different types of sins have different punishments. It changed the world because the church's story was now strengthened and more people started believing that if they did something wrong, they would go to hell. Its significance today is that people believe in hell the way he had perceived. Many of the... -
Oct 14, 1302
Hell continued
sins that were considered worthy of hell in Dante's time are still considered by some people to be sins today. When people show devils in cartoons too, they show the ones that Dante described in "The Inferno." Caption: The picture is of the hell that Dante imagined. -
Oct 10, 1450
Printing Press
The printing press was invented in 1450 by Johannes Guttenberg in Germany. It is a mechanical device that uses ink and movable letters to produce manuscripts that can be duplicated many times over. It changed the world because ideas and knowledge that were held by few could now be printed and freely distributed over a large area to many more people unlike before; books were copied by hand by some learned men who had to spend long hours every day to make copies of religious texts, literature, ... -
Oct 10, 1450
Printing Press continued
and official documents. It could take years just to copy one book. The invention of the printing press helped the knowledge to spread faster than ever before. Without this people would not have had access to the knowledge contained in books. The contribution to so many fields (like sciences, maths, commerce, literature, philosophy etc.) would not have been what it is but for the creation of printing press. Many of the revolutions of the world wouldn’t either have been or wouldn’t have had such.. -
Oct 17, 1450
Printing Press continued 2
...impact as these had eg - It is quite possible that the Protestant Reformation would not have taken place if the press hadn’t been invented. Caption: This is a picture of an early printing press -
Oct 15, 1492
New World continued
...as during that time plenty of gold and silver was found here. They also introduced Christianity (Catholicism). Europeans diseases like small pox and measles killed lots of local population in this region. Spain's empire brought new ideas to Europe, and led to inflation. Therefore this event is very important in shaping the course of history and changed Spain and Americas forever.
Caption: This photo is a map that shows where Columbus sailed to. -
Oct 15, 1492
New World
In 1492 Christopher Columbus (Born in Italy) while on exploration (Spain funded) to East Indies, reached the new world- known today as Americas. Though Columbus was not the first European explorer to reach the America but it was his voyages that started European contact with America in a major way. It changed the world as it started an era of European exploration and colonization of foreign countries that lasted for several centuries. Spanish explorers conquered most of Mexico and Latin America. -
Oct 10, 1500
Perspective continued
...products, buildings, structures and machines. The plan for all these first require to be drawn on paper (now a days computers are also used) and use of perceptive make these look real, accurate and easy to understand. In fact children are also taught in school, how to draw with perspective.
Caption: The picture is of one point perspective. -
Oct 10, 1500
Perspective came about in the early 1500's work of arts. The first artist that was noticeably using perspective Filippo Brunelleschi. Perspective is the way that you can make 2 Dimensional paintings look 3 Dimensional It gives the depth effect to a painting. It changed the world because paintings started looking more real. Moreover it made accurate architectural drawings possible. It's significance today is that artists still use perspective to make things look real. It has helped develop many.. -
Oct 11, 1505
Pocket Watch
The pocket watch was invented in 1505 by Peter Henlein. The pocket watch is a mechanical device that can measure time and it is small enough to be carried in a pocket. It changed the world because after the invention of the pocket watch, people could take the watch and know the time of the day whenever they wanted to. This let people be aware of exact time whenever they wanted to leading to much better coordination and time management amongst people. This is an example of human ingenuity... -
Oct 11, 1505
Pocket Watch continued
because it answered the need of people to be able to know time wherever and whenever they wanted to since earlier with large clocks which were prevalent those days to measure time, that was not possible.
Caption: The picture is of an old pocket watch. -
Oct 10, 1513
New way of ruling
Nicollo Machiavelli wrote "The Prince" in 1513. It is a book about the way Machiavelli thinks rulers should rule. It changed the world because he tells people about his thought "The end justifies the means" as a story. This means that, as a leader, you should do what is better for the majority even if it means some harm to others. He also thought that as a leader, it is better to be feared than to be loved but you should avoid hatred. The book has provided many thoughts on how to... -
Oct 10, 1513
New way of Ruling continued
...on how to rule for the benefit of majority of citizens of a country rather than for few individuals. Machiavelli's ideas in this book influenced many political leaders throughout the Europe like Henry VIII of England. Some of his ideas are very much relevant in today’s concept in fact many of politicians seem to be having some similar ideas. Caption: The picture is of the book "The Prince." -
Oct 13, 1514
Heliocentric View
Nicolas Copernicus was the first person to discover the heliocentric view in 1514. This is the idea that the earth revolves around the sun. It changed the world because it changed the way we knew earth as till now the common understanding was that earth is the centre of the universe. Not only this but with this and the subsequent studies and experiments based on this, we have a better knowledge about many natural phenomena like day and night, changing weather, eclipses and many acts of nature... -
Oct 13, 1514
Heliocentric View continued
...We started to understand why, how and when different seasons came, also because of this discovery. Without this discovery, we could have been still be very ignorant about the causes of many of such phenomena as mentioned above and be able to plan a solution to manage with them.
The picture is of the solar system. -
Flush Toilet
The flush toilet was invented in 1589 by John Harrington in Germany. It is a mechanical device. It has a part that stores water and also releases it and cleans the toilet bowl at the pull of a lever. It changed the world because the invention of the flush toilet enabled people to have convenience of hygienic toilet inside the homes and also let the waste be carried out to a place where it could be disposed off appropriately. This is an example of human ingenuity because it provided a very... -
Flush Toilet continued
...convenient solution to a very basic daily need of the human beings as well as means to allow proper disposal of the waste enabling to keep the environment clean. This is one of the most important inventions to have let the growth of cities possible.
Caption: The picture is of the different parts the old flush toilet had and where they were. -
The thermometer was invented in 1593 by Galileo Galilee in Italy. This thermometer was different from the ones we know now, because it had a coloured fluid and air in it. As the air expanded, the fluid would go down. Thermometer allowed measurement of temperature. It changed the world because it allowed scientists to study as well as control various processes / things around us and understand the reasons behind them and exploit these to bring more and more conveniences for human beings. This... -
Thermeometer continued
...is an example of human ingenuity because it solved the problem of not being able to measure the temperature of things. Without the thermometer, we would not have been able to conduct experiments to do with processes involving heating or cooling. We would not be able to monitor temperature of human body, have incubators set at temperatures that makes it possible for a premature human baby to survive, set our ovens for perfect temperatures for good breads or cake, or have something like an... -
Thermometer continued 2
...Air conditioner to cool our rooms in hot weather or have saunas set at temperatures that the human body can survive in. Caption: The picture is of a thermometer. -
Telescope Continued 2
...the Moon had mountains and craters and that Jupiter had moons. Without the telescope, it would have been hard to practice astronomy. It lead to many important discoveries like stars which were not visible by naked eyes, determining the orbits of planets in our solar system, new planets and other galaxies etc. With the help of telescopes we could see and study other stars and planets in more details, their birth and death, their satellites etc. We could never reach out as far as we have in... -
Telescope Continued 3
...the Universe without our telescopes. Caption: The picture is of an old type of telescope. -
The telescope was invented in 1608 by Hens Lippershey though later Galileo also independently made a telescope. It is a device that uses an arrangement of transparent lenses to manipulate light from the distant objects in such a way that they seem closer. It changed the world because it let scientists study our solar system and other distant objects in the universe to understand it better and also explain various phenomena on earth based on these studies. It changed our view of the universe... -
Telescope continued
unfolding and creating many mysteries. It made clear that the universe was far larger than was thought and our place in it much smaller than originally thought of. It also helped ships to operate more safely and discover new geographies. The invention of the telescope is an example of human ingenuity because it helped overcome the limitation of human eyesight which cannot see very far and in detail the objects at great distances. For example with the aid of telescope Galileo could show that... -
Match continued 2
...today’s world. Caption: The picture is of someone lighting a match -
The match was invented in 1680 by Robert Boyle. The match is a device that can be used to create fire. Phosphorus and sulphur when rubbed together became a flame and that is what the match did. It changed the world because human being had got used to using fire for its such basic need as cooking food and the conventional way of creating it by rubbing wooden sticks on stone was unreliable and unpredictable. Creation of fire by a match box brought the convenience of lighting it anywhere, ... -
Match continued
, anytime and with little effort. This is an example of human ingenuity since, human being had already got used to using fire for its such basic need as cooking food and the conventional way of creating it by rubbing wooden sticks on stone was unreliable and unpredictable. The human creativity and imagination to meet this basic need in a more easy and convenient way lead to the invention. Though many kinds of lighters have been invented but match is still being used to light flames even in... -
Submarine continued 2
Caption: This is a picture of the kind of submarine that was used in the old days. -
The submarine was invented in 1624 by Cornelius Van Drebbel. The submarine is devices that can go underwater with people in it continue being under the water for extended time and travel some distance if required. It changed the world because it allowed people to study under water environments especially oceans in great details. But most significantly use of submarine in wars allowed the navies possessing it to go undetected and attack from under the water the enemy navies. This is an example... -
Submarine continued
...the enemy navies. This is an example of human ingenuity because the quest to be able to go under the water for an extended time to find alternative to floating above the surface of water was answered with this invention. It has been put to many scientific and military uses which indirectly has affected entire world. The outcome of the World War II could be very different without the submarine. It has changed the course of history and warfare forever. -
Blood Circulation continued
...was believed to be transformed food made in the liver and that it was consumed by the tissues, not recirculated. Without this knowledge, the medical sciences would have not developed so much and its life-saving ability would have been severely affected eg. the heart surgeries which are saving so many lives would not have been possible resulting in human mortality rate to go up. This was the base for all modern research on the heart and blood vessels. -
Blood Circulation continued 2
Caption: The picture is of blood veins in the body -
Blood Circulation
The detailed and systematic circulation of blood was described by William Harvey an English physician. He also discovered that heart pumps blood to the body. In 1628 he published his completed treatise on the circulation of the blood, the De Motu Cordis. It changed the world because for the first time the circulation of blood was understood properly and his findings are valid till date. Before this blood was believed to be transformed food made in the liver and that it was consumed by the... -
Adding Machine
The adding machine was invented in 1642 by Blaise Pascal. It was a mechanical device that could add two numbers faster than the human mind. It changed the world because it allowed fast computation of mathematical problems and was the foundation for modern day cash registers, calculators and computers. This is an example of human ingenuity because it was a result of continuous creativity and imagination of scientists to be able to do things faster, better and take bigger challenges. -
Adding Machine continued
...This machine and the machines that followed solved the problem of too much time being consumed in big calculations by making fast and accurate computations. These machines were/are very helpful in the fields of accountancy, maths, statistics, sciences etc.
Caption: The picture is of an old adding machine.