Humanities timeline

  • Period: 8000 BCE to


  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar Death

    Julius Caesar was assassinated by his fellow romans.
  • 27 BCE

    Empire Begins

    The roman empire begins
  • 117

    Rome at the greatest extent

    Time when Rome had around 90 million inhabitants, and covered 5 million square kilometers
  • 250

    Legislation of Christianity

  • Period: 284 to 305

    Rule of Diocletian

  • Period: 306 to 337

    Rule of Constantine

  • 396

    Split of the Roman Empire and Move to Constantinople

    Roman Empire split into the Western and Eastern Empires, with the Capital of the Eastern Empire being in Constantinople.
  • 410

    First Sack of Rome

  • 476

    End of Western Empire

  • Period: 527 to 565

    Reign of Justinian

  • Period: 647 to 709

    Muslims Conquer North Africa

  • Oct 7, 732

    Battle of Tours

  • Period: 768 to 814

    Rule of Charlemaigne

  • Period: 868 to 869

    Missionary of St. Cyril and Methodius

  • Period: 1054 to 1200

    East-West Schism

  • Period: 1095 to 1410


  • Period: 1206 to 1405

    Mongol Invasions

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

  • 1308

    Dante writes his epic poem the Divine Comedy.

  • Period: 1309 to 1376

    The Papacy returned to Rome

  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    100 year war

  • Period: 1346 to 1354

    Black Death

  • 1367

    Architect Brunelleschi designs the dome for the Florence Cathedral

  • 1367

    Architect Brunelleschi designs the dome for the Florence Cathedral

  • Period: 1400 to

    Age of Exploration

  • 1415

    Jan Hus Dies

  • 1418

    Henry the Navigator sets up School of Navigation

  • 1439

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press.

  • 1447

    Sistine Chapel

  • 1453

    Fall of the Eastern Empire

  • Period: 1469 to 1492

    Lorenzo de Medici ascends to power in Florence

  • 1480

    Botticelli completed the painting The Birth of Venus.

  • 1488

    Dias sails around southern tip of Africa

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus sailed to Americas

  • 1500

    Start of Counter-Reformation

  • 1500

    Pedro Cabral lands on Brazil

  • Period: 1500 to


  • Period: 1500 to


  • 1509

    Erasmus published The Praise of Folly

  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    King Henry VIII

  • 1516

    Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

  • 1517

    Martin Luther nails 95 Theses

  • Period: 1517 to


  • 1519

    Magellan sails around the world (or his crew does)

  • Period: 1519 to 1521

    Cortez defeats Aztecs

  • 1524

    da Verrazzano sailed to North America

  • 1532

    Pizarro defeats Incas

  • 1543

    Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory

  • 1543

    Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory

  • Period: 1543 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • 1558

    Elizabeth I became Queen of England.

  • The invention of the microscope

  • William Shakespeare builds the Globe theatre.

  • The invention of the microscope

  • Galileo studies planets with his telescope

  • Hudson sails to North America

  • Galileo was warned by the Catholic Church

  • Period: to

    30 Years War

  • Bacon published Novum Organum

  • Peace of Westphalia

  • Hobbes publishes Leviathan

  • Kepler discovered elliptical orbits

  • John Locke publishes Two Treatises of Government

  • Montesquieu published The Spirit of Laws

  • Voltaire publishes Candide

  • Beccaria published On Crimes and Punishments

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • De Gama sails to India

  • Period: to 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Period: to 1200

    Viking Invasions