Humanities Final

  • Period: 500 BCE to 500

    Classical Worldview

    I think that the most fitting symbol to represent the classical worldview would be the church. But why? People living in the classical time spent their entire life preparing for the afterlife and they valued their relationship with God above all else. That's why I think the church would be the best symbol to represent the classical worldview.
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Middle Ages Worldview

    "file:///Users/student/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202021-05-19%20at%202.47.14%20PM.png" I think this is the best painting to represent the Middle Age Worldview because it depicts feudalism which was a pretty big part of the time period.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Renaissance Worldview

    I think a fitting symbol to represent this worldview is a ticket. Or more specifically, a "ticket to heaven". Most people believed that they had to either donate money or something similar to earn their ticket to heaven. While this isn't true it was a big part of these people's lives in this worldveiw.
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Worldview

    I think the best symbol to represent this worldview is an owl. Owls are known to symbolize knowledge & wisdom & this was a huge part of the enlightenment. Everyone strived to learn and be more thoughtful. That's why I think the owl is the best symbol for this worldview.
  • Period: to

    Romantic Worldview

    I think a great symbol to depict this worldview is a rose. The romantic worldview was the complete opposite of the enlightenment even though they are pretty close together. The Romantic worldview was all about connecting to nature and that "savageness is noble". This is why I think the rose is the best symbol for this worldview, It's pretty but its thorns can hurt you if you pick it up the wrong way.
  • Period: to

    Victorian Worldview

    I think a perfect symbol to represent this worldview is a butterfly because so much was changing during this worldview
  • Period: to

    Modern Worldview

    I think the symbol to represent this worldview is a Daffodil. Daffodils represent change & that's exactly what the Modern Worldview was all about. Their motto was "Make it new - Out With The Old"
  • Period: to

    Post & Post-postmodern Worldview

    I believe that a good symbol to describe this worldview is broken glass. People in this worldview are focused on breaking boundaries & doing the unexpected.