Humanities - Europe

  • 285

    Rome split into two regions (Diocletian)

    Rome split into two regions (Diocletian)
    The Roman Emperor Diocletian split the empire into the eastern half (eventually becoming the Byzantine Empire) governed by Constantinople and the western half governed by Rome.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which formally recognized and accepted Christianity.
  • 325

    Nicene Creed

    Nicene Creed
    The Nicaean Creed was a formal document created by the Council of Nicaea which established exactly what the orthodox church did and did not believe. It was meant to clear up any discrepancies that could potentially lead to dissent in the church.
  • 400

    Theodosius II builds wall around Constantinople

    Theodosius II builds wall around Constantinople
    In the 5th century Theodosius II build a great wall around Constantinople to further establish it as the center of the Eastern Roman Empire also now known as the Byzantine Empire
  • 410

    Sacking or Rome by Germanic Tribes

    Sacking or Rome by Germanic Tribes
    In 410, the city of Rome was sacked by the Visigoths, it is often seen as the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 750

    Clovis and the Merovingian Dynasty

    Clovis was the first king to unite the Frankish kingdoms and is considered the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty who ruled for the next two centuries.
  • 481

    Reign of Clovis

    Reign of Clovis
    Clovis was the first king to unite the Frankish tribes.
  • 527

    Justinian becomes emperor of the Byzantine Empire

    Justinian becomes emperor of the Byzantine Empire
    Justinian was one of the most influential emperors of the Byzantine Empire. He is famous for creating the Justinian Code which was a reformed version of the original twelve tables, attempting to reunite the western and eastern empire, and building the famous church Hagia Sophia.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia is built

    Hagia Sophia is built
    The Byzantine emperor Justinian built Hagia Sophia after other churches had been destroyed in the riots. Hagia Sophia is still famous for it's advances architecture.
  • Jan 11, 630

    Muhammad conquers Mecca

    After the treaty between the Meccans and Muslims is broken, Muhammad and his army decide to take Mecca
  • Jan 26, 661

    Ali is murdered (Shia/Sunni split)

    Ali is murdered (Shia/Sunni split)
    When Ali (the caliph ruling over the Muslims) died, it furthered split the Sunnis and Shiites as the Sunnis believed Muhammad appointed no successor and the Shiites believed Ali was the successor.
  • Oct 10, 742

    Umayyad Empire and the Battle of Tours

    Umayyad Empire and the Battle of Tours
    The Umayyad Empire (one of the four major caliphates after the death of Muhammad) fought the Frankish forces under Charles Martel. The Franks were victorious and the spreading of Islam into Europe was ceased.
  • Period: Apr 28, 750 to Apr 29, 887

    Carolingian Dynasty

    The Carolingian Dynasty took power after the Merovingian Dynasty. At it's peak, the king Charlemagne became the first emperor or Rome in over three centuries.
  • Jun 15, 762

    Abbasid Empire builds Baghdad as new capitol

    Abbasid Empire builds Baghdad as new capitol
    The Abbasid Caliphate gained power after the Umayyad Empire and ruled from Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Apr 28, 799

    Charlemagne and Harun Al Rashid political relations

    Charlemagne and Harun Al Rashid (the fifth Abbasid Caliph) had a very amicable relationship and gave each other many extravagant gifts. This was after the Battle of Tours with the Umayyad Empire.
  • Apr 28, 800

    Charlemagne and the Renaissance

    The Carolingian Renaissance was the first of three medieval renaissances. It occurred mostly during the reign of Charlemagne during the 800s.
  • Apr 28, 811

    Byzantine Emperor recognizes Charlemagne

    Byzantine Emperor recognizes Charlemagne
    In 800 Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne as king. Eventually a treaty was formed between forcing the Byzantine Empire to recognize Charlemagne as emperor of the west if he laid down claims to the east.