
  • Texas declares independence from Mexico

  • Martin Van Buren President

  • depression begins

  • Britian makes new Zealand a colony

  • Mauri rebel in New Zealand

  • war with mexico

  • treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  • economic recovery begins in Eaurope

  • Forest of Fountainbleau

  • Photography becomes popular in France

  • Compromise admits CA free state

  • Uncle Toms Cabin published

  • president Filmore dies in office

  • Crimean war

  • Franklin pierre re-ellected president

  • James Buchanan elected President

  • Pissarro submits a landscape

    of montemorency to the salon the official art exibition sponsored by the French governmeant and it is accepted
  • Second opium war

  • Jews in Britian allowed to vote

  • American societ for prevention of cruelty to animals is founded

  • La Promenade is painted

  • Federal troops capture Alexandria

  • The battle of mansfield is fought in Desoto Parish

  • Alexandria is burned by union troops and largely destroyed

  • Governer Henry W Allen delivers his farewell address

  • The secret service begins operating under the Treasury department

  • French intervention in Mexico

  • Sunrise marine was painted by Monet

  • barbed wire invented

  • small pox epidemic in Germany

  • light bulb invented

  • Timber act opens vast tracts of yellow pine

  • Gramophone and phonograph

  • reconstruction is over in Louisianna

  • Cyprus transfers from ottoman to British control

  • yellow fever kills over 5000 in Louisianna

  • Jules Grevy Presedent

  • The southern are union is formed

  • Marie Francois Sadii Carnot President

  • 2000 killed by hurricane

  • Franco- Russian Alliance

  • Felic Faure President

  • Emile Loubet President