
  • Jan 1, 1499


    Alonso de Ojeda arrives on the coast of what is now Colombia, marking the beginning of Spanish exploration.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    humanities timeline

  • 1537


    1537 - Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada founds the city of Santa Fé de Bogotá, establishing Spanish presence in the region.
  • 1560


    1560 - The construction of the Sanctuary of Las Lajas begins, an important religious site
  • 1580


    1580 - The Royal Audiencia of Bogotá is created, establishing a major administrative institution in the colony.
  • 1600

    1600 - The Jesuits arrive in Colombia, significantly influencing education and culture.
  • 1690

    1690 - The first slave rebellion occurs in Colombia, highlighting the ongoing struggle against the system of slavery.
  • 1717

    1717 - The Viceroyalty of New Granada is re-established with Bogotá as its capital.