The Life Of Lucy
"Lucy's" actual name is Australiopithicus Afarensis. They were believed to live in four million BCE. They were biped and was able to gather food, carry their young, and defend themselves with their hands. They had teeth and ate meat and plants. -
Homo Habilis
The Homo Habilis are believed to have lived in two million BCE. They were bipedal, omnimorous eaters, had bigger brains, and were able to create and use tools. -
Homo Erectus
The Homo Erectus are believed to have lived in 1.8 million BCE. They were bipedal, omnivores, had even bigger brains, and were able to create and use even better tools. They also discovered how to make unnatural fire. -
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
the Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis are also called neanderthals. They are believed to have lived about 500,000 BCE. They were bipedal, omnivores, had bigger brains, made fire and were able to create and use sophisticated tools. They also had a very strong sense of community. They protected their wounded, young, and elderly, they cared about each other, they tried to help each other, and it is believed that they even buried their dead with memorable things like tools and such. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
The Homo Sapiens Sapiens are believed to be modern day humans. They had all of the characteristics of the early Homo's and more. They were bipedal, omnivores, had large brains, were able to create and use sophisicated tools, made fire, and had a very strong sense of community. But they are also believed to have started the form of community and language in both written and spoken, agriculture and even art. -
Rise of the Kingdom of Sumer
This kingdom was created in approximatley 2900 BCE. Sumer is a moneki ( ruled by a king) kingdom. The King collected taxes, built temples, led the army, and delegated ( divided work into smaller groups). The Sumarians were Polytheistic, meaning they believed in many Gods. The Sumarians made the first forms of writing using symbols that represented each word. They created the wheel and the arch. Sumer contained lots of metalworkers, architecs and musicians. -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk. He was a demi god created by Sumarians. He was big, hairy, and challenged his own people just to prove that he was the strongest. Gilgamesh defeated Humbaba, the protector of the Cedar forest, and defeated the Bull of Heaven along side with his very best friend, Enkidu. Gilgamesh traveled days to find Utnapishtim where he found the answer on how to become Imortal. Make an impression. And that's exactly what he did. -
Abraham is a character from the Bible. He is rumered to have been born in Sanula. He made his mark by being the only person believing in one God. God challenged him by telling Abraham to sacrifice his son, once God realizees that Abraham is so worthy that he actually does it, God saves his son and promises Abraham that his off-spring would be great and never ending. -
Hammurabi's Code
Hammurabi was the King of Babylon. He believed that he was sent from the Gods to bring justice and light to the land. He copied an endless list of rules that the Gods made and printed them all over his city along with a prologue and epilogue from Hammurabi himself. He was very kind to his peole but thrived for power, He made alliances and then broke them. When Hammurabi died, the Kingdom fell apart an was eventually overruled. -
Joeseph goes to Egypt and the Israelities follow
Joeseph was the great-great grandson of Abraham, His brothers envied him because their father favored Joeseph. They hated him so much that they eventually sold him to Egyptians for slavery. But, when Joeseph interpreted a dream of Pharaoh, he was so impressed that Joeseph became Prime Minester! He than forgave his family and they all moved to Egypt. Eventually, all of the Isrealites moved to Egypt. -
Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and then the Ten Commandments
When a new Kingdom came in order, the Jewish were enslaved because of over population. Any male baby was to be killed. Moses' mother sent him down a river where the Pharaos' daughter saved and raised him. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to free all of the Israelites, when he didn't the ten plaugues was in place. They killed the Egyptians crops and the first-born sons. That was when Pharaoh let them go. Moses led the Jews to Sinai Peninsula where God made human laws called the Ten Commandments. -
The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
Deborah was the first female judge. She used to sit under a tree and have people come to her with their problems. Ruth, was alive during a time before Kings, her famous decendent is King David. They were both alive aproxamatley between the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE. -
The Reign of David
(Approx. 1013-973 BCE) David became King David of the Northern Tribe Isrealites when he defeated the monster, Goliath. He was able to unite all of the tribes and became Ruler of all Israelites. -
(Approx. 875-853 BCE) Elijah was a prophit, meaning he was like a second ruler. -
Seige of Lachish
The Seige of Lachish accured around 1000 BC in the Medaterian area. The Seige of Lachish is described in the Lachish Reliefs. The war was against Assyria and Lachish. It started because the Lachish king rebelled against the Assarian king Sennachrib. -
Seige of Jerusalem
The seige of Jerusalem took place around 587 BC. It occured because the King of Jerusalem rebelled against the King of Babylon not once -but twice. Jerimiah tried to warn the king of Jerusalem that if he did not surrender his people would suffer. The King refused and that is exactly what happened. The people of Jerusalme was forced to learn the Babylonian ways and serve them and sing for them. -
Indus Valley Civilizations
2000 BCE(Actual Time)
-Indus Valley is now part of Pakistan
-The Aryan tribes of Persia invded around 1700 BCE, thus forming the Hinduism -
The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas
1700 BCE(Actual Time)
-The Aryans were a powerful race; they conqured every civilization they encourtered
-They only worshipped male gods
-Although conqured, the Aryans kept with their religions and the Indus People kept with theirs, eventually the two mixed and "Hinduism was born" -
The Ascetics and the Upanishads
700-500 BCE(Actual Time)
-Migrated across India to the Ganges valley
-Ascetics were people "dedicated to life of spirtitual auserity and self-discipline"
-"The Upanishads contain almost exclusively dialogues of guru"