1800 lifetime of lucy
4 million years ago -
1801 homo habilis
2 million years ago -
1802 homo erectus
1.8 million years ago -
1803 neanderthals
500,000 years ago -
1804 homo sapiens sapiens
modern humans -
rise of sumer
2900bce.Sumer was located in the middle east,It was located near modern day Iraq -
the epic of gilgamesh
date is unknown,Gilgamesh was the king of Ur.Gilgamesh tried to find out how to become immortal. -
1900bce had a kid when he was 100(Issac),spoke to god -
hammurabi's code
1792-1750bce,Hammurabi was a king and he was given a code of laws from a god. -
moses goes to egypt and the isrealites follow
1700-1280bce god told him to go to egypt,moses and the isrealites crossed the red sea -
moses,exodus from egypt,ten commandments
1280-1240bce god made the 10 commandments,he is the the person speaking, -
The time of judges/The time before kings
the middle of the 13th century yo the middle of the 11th century.Deborah was the only female judge of Isreal.Her job was to solve peoples problems. -
The reign of David
David killed Goliath,Davis became king when sol died.David chose Jerusalem as the capital. -
Elijah lived in the desert and he was fed by ravens.Elijah never died he was carried to heaven in a golden chariot.Elijah is famous for wetting wood and having God make it catch on fire. -
seige of lachish
701 bce
rulers were killed infront of citizens
lachish was surounded by walls
conquered by king sennacherib -
seige of jerusalem
conquered by king nebuchadnezzar
solomons temple was destroyed
zedekiah was the king of jerusalem