life time of Lucy
australopithecus lived in Africa 4 million years ago -
Homo Habilis
lived 2 million years ago -
Homo erectus
lived 1.8 million years ago -
Homo sapiens Neanderthals
lived 500,000 thousand years ago -
Homo sapiens sapiens
the develop of modern humans -
Rise the Kingdom of Sumer
Approx. 2009 BCE.
The Sumer kingdom to be found a succesful live with a stable food supply, water , and jobs. They also created the wheel. -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Exact date of writing is unknown, best copies discovered in a 7th century BCE royal library.The Epic of Gilgamesh is a fiction story about a real life Sumerian king and his great adventures. -
Abraham is the first person to believe in one god and he was the first human to talk to God in the bible. -
Hummurabi's Code
Hammurabi’s Code is a list of 210 laws that the people of Babylon had to follow or be punished. Hammurabi was the king of Babylon and got the rights from Shamash the Sumerion/Babylion Sun Godto rule and make laws. -
Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow
Joseph was favorite son of Jacob and great grandson of Abraham. Joseph was sold to slavery by his elven hateful brothers to Egypt. -
Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments
Moses was the savior for the jews,he seperated the Nile river so that the jews can be free and after that went to the top of a mountion where he saw a burning bush that had no ashes. In the bible it is said that Moses heard the vocie of God though the bush and there god told Moses the Ten Commandments that he wrote down and bought back down the the jews so they know the rules of God. -
1811: The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
Deborah was the judge of all the people. She solved any of the problems people had. She solved almost all problems. both problems that were big and small. She was a person of good will. -
David was the person who defeated Goliath.He became king because of his bravery against Goliath.While he was king he was hidin from sol the peson who was trying to kill him because of his jealosy of david.An obstacle that he had to deal with is trying to be kille by Sol because he was the only person who could defeat him and he overcame this by becoming king. -
Elijah was a person who challenged the king over who had a more real God.His responsibilities as a prophet was to worship God and prove to everyone that he was real.He was famous for proving God was real in a challenge against the king who didn't believe in Elijah's God and believed in another God.Elijah had to overcome the obstacle of going into the dessert and having birds feed him.He beat them by proving his God was real in a challenge. -
Siege of Lachish
in 701 B.C.E king Hezekiah rebelled against the assyrians and were attacked. The assyarians came and burned the city and killed many people. The survivours of the attack soon rose to power again. -
Siege of Jerusalem
In 587 B.C.E Jerusalem was the most powerful jewish city. The babylonians soon conqured the city. Jerusalem suffered the same fate as the Lachish people. -
Indus people
the Indus people were people who cared about pureness and being clean. The two mayjor cities of that civilization were Harappa and the Mohenjodarro. -
Vedas and Aryans
the aryans were a group of people who were very powerful and conqured a lot of land. Mostly in Asia and europe area. the vedas very people who used sanscript and were agricultrical. the aryans were not. -
Ascetics and Upanshids 700-500 bc
An ascetic was a person who lived up to a life of spirticual austerity and self discipilined. An ascetic often lived in a house in the forest or grouped up with other ascestics to live lives of devotion and meditation.